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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Update your contact details with Government departments

​​​How to update your contact details

You can now update your contact details online. You'll need to activate your onegov account, which includes setting up your Government Digital ID before you update your details.

Update your contact details

Setting up your Digital ID (JerseyMe)

To set up your Digital ID, you'll need:

  • a valid passport
  • a mobile phone
  • a personal email address
  • a device with a working camera and microphone

Step by step guide on setting up your Digital ID (JerseyMe)

Setting up your Digital ID (YOTI)

To set up your Digital ID, you'll need:

  • a valid passport
  • a smartphone

Step by step guide on setting up your Digital ID (YOTI)

When to update your contact details

You’re legally required to let us know if you change your address. You need to wait until you’ve moved before updating us.

If you have parental responsibility for children under 16 moving with you, their details can be included on your form.

You can update your:

  • residential address
  • email
  • contact number(s)

Correspondence address

This form can't be used to change a correspondence address if it's different to your home address.

You must notify the relevant department or agency directly of a change to your correspondence address.

Who we'll tell about your changes

If you update your contact details online, we’ll automatically tell the following Government services:

  • Employment, Social Security and Housing (Revenue Jersey and Population Office)
  • Government funded and participating schools (if you have a child under 16)
  • Health and Community Services, including the Hospital

If you want us to, we will also tell:

  • Active Gyms
  • Driver and Vehicle Standards (vehicle registration)
  • Jersey Library 
  • Pensions team for Government employees
  • participating GP Surgeries 

We don't tell

We do not inform your Parish about updates to:

  • driving licence
  • dog licence
  • electoral register
  • rate details
  • firearms licence

For these you will need to contact your Parish Hall directly.

If you can’t set up a digital ID or onegov account

Contact Employment, Social Security and Housing  (ESSH) who will be able to update your contact details:

Leaving Jersey

If you’re leaving Jersey for more than 3 months, you can use our online form to let us know.

Moving to Jersey

If you’re moving to Jersey for the first time, you’ll need register as a Jersey resident. 

Moving to Jersey​

Once registered, you'll be able to set up your account.

​Returning to Jersey

If you’re returning to Jersey after an extended absence, contact ESSH​:

Updating your name and gender

​You can change your name with ESSH by emailing

We'll need:

  • your Social Security Number
  • written confirmation of your new name and that you want your records updated to that name
  • a copy of your legal document which states the new information. This could include:
    • Deed Poll
    • Decree Absolute
    • marriage certificate or civil partnership certificate
    • ​new birth or adoption certificate

You can also visit us at the Customer Hub on Union Street with the relevant documentation.

Update your gender 

You can change your gender by emailing ESSH at

We’ll need:

  • your Social Security Number
  • written confirmation of your new gender and that you want your records updated to that gender
  • one of the following sources of evidence:
    1. Gender Recognition ​Certificate
    2. birth or adoption certificate showing your new gender
    3. passport showing your new gender
    4. a letter from a medical professional, for example, your GP or specialist consultant (the professional must be registered and licenced to practice in the UK, including Jersey). To be able to accept a letter as evidence, it should confirm that the professional knows you enough to: 
      • make a diagnosis in their professional opinion 
      • determine that the change is likely to be permanent
      • you use the name and gender specified for all purposes

You’ll also need to provide evidence to show that you’re using that identity for all purposes, for example: 

  • utility bills
  • bank statements
  • pay slips
  • other photo ID


You need to get a new passport if you change your:

  • name
  • gender​
  • appearance, for example if you cannot be recognised from your passport photo any more​

Amend your passport

Revenue Jersey

You'll need to tell Revenue Jersey by completing the following enquiry form.

Personal tax enquiry form​

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