Find out what food you can and cannot bring on the Island for personal use
Find the list of goods you cannot bring into Jersey without a licence or permit and those prohibited to import
Information about customs charges, procedures and rules when importing and exporting goods into or out of the Customs Union (UK, Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man
Find out about disclosing large amounts of cash that you import into, or export from Jersey, including possible penalties if you fail to disclose
Information about the procedures and documentation required to move or ship goods abroad, including goods which cannot be exported
From 1 of January 2022 importing POAO into Jersey from the EU must be pre-notified to the Environmental Health department and be accompanied by specific documentation.
Information about inspections of imported food (at the airport or harbour) and why food might be detained or destroyed
Pay for GST or customs duties on goods you import including online shopping, magazine and brochure sales
Information for Jersey traders about pre-paying VAT on exported goods, including details about arrangements with UK Customs