​​About Back to Work
Our team supports jobseekers find work and with a range of employment needs such as:
- training
- writing CV and cover letters
- job searching
- paid placements
- ​incentive schemes through employers
We also offer industry training. This is a mixture of classroom training and work experience.
Industry training for jobseekers​
You need to be registered as a jobseeker to receive our help. If you receive Income Support, you’re registered automatically.
Once you’re registered, your Employment Advisor will provide:
- 1 to 1 support
- advice on job searching
- training to help you back into employment
As a registered jobseeker you also have access to
Job Station and Job Club​ to help your search for employment.​
Register as a jobseeker
Complete the online form to receive support from Back to Work.
If you’re on Income Support, you don’t need to complete this form. Your registration is done automatically.
Register as a jobseeker
​Jobseekers on Income Support
You must look for work to receive the full amount of Income Support you’re entitled to.
You have to engage with Back to Work, unless you're exempt from job seeking.
You need to:
- actively look for work
- keep a record of what you do to find work
- attend appointments with your advisor
- discuss your search for work with your advisor
- identify all opportunities on offer
- attend mandatory training and relevant training courses
You’ll need to apply for relevant roles.
You should also register to receive email alerts for new roles posted on
jobs in Jersey.
If you don’t do enough, your benefit will be cut.
Income Support: fail to look for work
​If you're a jobseeker you may need to attend training, including:
- CV writing
- job application workshop
- interview workshop
This training is free and delivered by Back to Work. Your advisor will discuss suitable sessions when they meet with you.
Students returning from university
If you’re a university student returning to Jersey for the summer and your household receives Income Support, you need to actively look for work during this period.
You’ll be assigned a Back to Work ad​visor to help you find work or give information on training courses you can do.
You’ll have to attend weekly meetings with your advisor and give us evidence that you’re looking for work.
Once you have a job, you must tell us on the
changes in circumstances form.
If you don’t do enough to look for work, your benefit will be cut.
For more information or support contact your Back to Work advisor or email
Changes in circumstances
You must tell us if you receive Income Support and you:
- start or finish a job
- have a change in pay
- have a change in hours
Tell Income Support about changes in circumstances
Where to find us
We’re located at the Customer Hub in Union Street.
If you have an appointment with an advisor in Union Street, take the lift or stairs to the first floor. Let reception know you have arrived.​
Recruitment service for employers
Our Back to Work Recruitment service is a free recruitment agency for employers. Employers contact us to advertise vacancies and we match our registered jobseekers to those roles.
Your advisor will share and discuss all vacancies advertised with us and will put your CV forward.
The team will then shortlist suitable candidates for the employer. You may be asked to apply directly for the vacancy.
Finding new staff: Back to Work Recruitment​