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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Working in Jersey as a doctor

​​​Vacancies for medical staff and joining our locum bank

All vacancies are advertised on our Jobs in Jersey site.

If you want to join our medical locum bank, you should contact the Medical Staffing team on +44 (0) 1534 445414 to discuss terms and conditions. 

You can also make an online application by visiting our Jobs in Jersey site.

Jobs in Jersey

Salary for staff

You can find the pay scales for doctors and junior doctors below.

Public sector payscales

Consultants' pay

The pay for consultants is based on a 20 point scale.

Pay progression up to point 17 on the scale will be annual, subject to satisfactory performance against set criteria, and without application.

Progression to points 18 and 19 is by formal application. You'll be required to provide evidence of achievement against the set criteria.

Progression to point 20 of the scale is by formal application with the following additional criteria:

  • evidence in support of your claim against the set criteria
  • completion of 20 years' service as a consultant
  • demonstration of significant achievement in a specific area

Staff grades and associate specialists pay

We have a middle grade contract for staff grade and associate specialist doctors which is broadly based on the structure of a UK contract.

It includes:

  • 10 core programmed activities (PAs)  
  • additional PAs to compensate for out of hours or on-call commitments
  • pensionable on-call supplement
  • a minimum of one SPA to support CPD and revalidation 

However, the SAS contract in Jersey does differ in the UK with improved basic rates of pay on a 10 point scale. 

Incremental pay progression in Jersey is annual for the first eight points of each scale, subject to satisfactory performance against set criteria, and without application.

The penultimate and final point of each scale is subject to application with the ninth point offered subject to ongoing commitment to job planning, appraisal and audit. 

The final point is allocated to doctors who demonstrate additional contribution to the delivery of the hospital's business aims and objectives, similar to the criteria used in the UK CEA process.

Annual leave and study leave

The annual leave entitlement for medical staff is:

​Position​Number of years of completed service at that grade​Annual leave
​ConsultantLess than seven​30 days​
​Consultant​Seven or more​32 days
​Staff grade and associate specialist​Two or less years​25 days
​Staff grade and associate specialist​More than two years​30 days
​Junior doctor​Any​25 days and 2 statutory days

Annual leave will be pro-rated according to the number of completed months of service for employees during the first year of employment and the year of termination.

Study leave (CPD)

Consultants, associate specialists and staff grades can have up to 10 days study leave per year.

You'll be expected to meet the continuing professional development requirements as part of your training or your relevant Royal College.

We also have an in-house education centre which provides a range of programmes for CPD for all grades of staff.

Your pension

​​All doctors with substantive contracts must become members of the Public Employees’ Pension Scheme (PEPS).

Doctors appointed on fixed term contracts have the option of opting in or out of the scheme at the beginning of their contract. 

You are also able to transfer your UK pension and we can give you an estimate of transfer values.

Professional registration with General Medical Council (GMC) or General Dental Council (GDC)

You must:

  • be registered with the General Medical Council (GMC) or General Dental Council (GDC)
  • hold a current licence to practice
  • be registered with the Jersey Care Commisison to comply with Jersey law

We can help you with your initial registration as part of the recruitment and selection process.

It's your responsibility to remain accountable with both the GMC and the local professional registration at all times.

You're also expected to follow the guidelines on practice by the General Medical Council and be accountable to the hospital for your actions and the quality of your work.  

You can find out more information on the registration process for both European and non-European applications on the GMC website.

Inform us about your immunisation status and vaccination history

General Medical Council (GDC) website

General Dental Council (GDC) website

Good medical practice on General Medical Council website

What the law requires when registering as a doctor or medical practitioner

Appraisal and revalidation with General Medical Council (GMC)

We have an annual appraisal and review process which is in line with the General Medical Council's (GMC) requirements for the re-validation process.

We currently have 23 trained appraisers.

The organisation uses electronic web-based software to support:

  • job planning
  • e-Leave
  • e-Appraisal
  • e-360

Training is available on how to use the software.

Download revalidation application form (size 208kb)

Doctors in training​​​​​

We have doctors in training at foundation year 1, 2 and GP trainee level. 

For further information, you can contact the Medical Staffing Team or Health Education Wessex.

Health Education Wessex website​

Visas and work permits

If you have a substantive contract, we can apply for a work permit on your behalf.

After this, you can apply for indefinite leave.

Work permits and working in Jersey

Paying tax and your Social Security contributions

You will pay less tax if you live in Jersey. The standard rate of income tax in Jersey is 20%.

However, you may be entitled to reliefs and allowances that reduce your tax bill further.

The Jersey tax year is from January to December.

Registering for income tax for the first time

Paying income tax on your earnings (ITIS)

Social Security contributions

You will pay 6% of your gross earnings to Social Security.

This is called the ‘primary contribution’ and it's deducted from your salary by your employer.

Your employer will pay 6.5% of your gross earnings to Social Security. This is called the ‘secondary contribution’ and is not deducted from your salary.

You must register with the Income Tax Department and Social Security as soon as you arrive.

We can provide you with the relevant documentation you’ll need.

How to register with Social Security to pay contributions

Payment of contributions

Infection control and immunisation

As part of the recruitment process, you must complete the immunisation and infection control assessment forms.

Download Hepatitis  B information leaflet (size 165kb)

Download ​immunisation booklet (size 170kb)​

Download needle stick injury information leaflet (size 157kb)

Safeguarding and the welfare of children

We have a responsibility for, and we're committed to, the safeguarding and the promotion of the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults in our care. 

We make sure that they're protected from harm and we expect our employees to share this commitment. 

DBS checks

You'll be subject to an enhanced DBS check for any regulated activity.

This will give us details of spent and unspent convictions, cautions and warnings. It also checks the DBS barred list.

Any offer of employment is subject to satisfactory clearances.

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