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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Protected tree search

This search includes all trees listed as protected trees.

Trees are protected where they have high amenity value and where they make a valuable and important contribution to the local environment. Most often, trees are given protection when they are the subject of some type of threat, usually a development proposal.

All types of trees can be included in the list of protected trees, including:

  • single trees
  • groups of trees
  • shrubs
  • saplings
  • bushes
  • hedges

No, not all trees that enjoy some form of protection provided by the planning law are on the list of protected trees. Some trees may be protected through a condition on a planning permit. This search provides details of trees on the list of protected trees only. If you are unsure about whether a tree on or around your property is protected contact us and we will check the property file for you.

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