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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

The journey to net zero

​Responding to the climate emergency

The States Assembly have agreed that a climate emergency exists and is likely to have profound effects in Jersey. 

In response to the climate emergency, the States Assembly voted unanimously to approve the amended Carbon Neutral Strategy and later, the Carbon Neutral Roadmap. The Carbon Neutral Roadmap builds on the progress made through the Pathway 2050: an Energy Plan for Jersey.  It sets out an ambitious emissions reduction trajectory towards net zero.

The Carbon Neutral Roadmap and extension of the Paris Agreement to Jersey means we are committed to reaching net zero emissions by 2050. It also sets interim targets of reducing emissions by 68% by 2030 and 78% by 2035, measured against a 1990 baseline. The Carbon Neutral Roadmap sets out the actions we will need to take to reach these targets.

These reports give further detail about the possible ways in which Jersey could reach net zero emissions: Carbon Neutrality by 2030 and its Quantitative Analysis.  

The States Assembly has also voted to approve the amended Sustainable Transport Policy. Transport accounts for 45% of Jersey's on Island carbon emissions so will have an impact on reaching net zero.

Responding to the climate emergency will cost money. Read more about the Climate Emergency Fund.

Help Jersey to reach net zero

To reach net zero Jersey will have to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases we produce to a much lower level than today and balance our remaining unavoidable emissions by absorbing the same amount from the atmosphere. The actions required to do this will change the way we heat our homes, how we travel, our diets, what we buy, the taxes we pay and many other aspects of our lives.

If you would like to find out more about ongoing assessments into offshore utility scale renewables, read the tidal stream industry update

Jersey Citizens' Assembly on Climate Change

The States Assembly invited the Citizens’ Assembly to make any recommendations it sees fit but have asked that the assembly consider how we become carbon neutral, including when, and what happens after this point. 

The participants showed a strong level of ambition and have recommended that Jersey becomes carbon neutral by 2030. The full list of recommendations is now available. Read the full report and the accessible summary for further information. 

Find out more about the Jersey Citizens' Assembly on the Jersey Climate Conversation website.

What you can do at home

In the meantime, check our energy saving advice for simple ways to save energy and reduce your carbon footprint.

You can also have a Home Energy Audit carried out on your home to tell you how to make your home more energy efficient.

What you can do at work

Find out how your business can save energy and reduce its carbon footprint and sign up to the eco active business network for more information and support. See the eco active business energy monitoring spreadsheet to identify what energy your business uses and by extension the associated carbon emissions.

Opportunities to have your say will be coming soon. You can email the Climate Emergency team to be kept informed about these opportunities. 

We'll also post any updates on social media:

Watch a briefing to learn more

You're invited to watch a briefing on our carbon neutral strategy and sustainable transport policy to learn more about what the States Assembly has agreed to deliver. ​Please note, some figures have since been updated. 


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