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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Report your wildlife sightings

​Report wildlife sightings

Reporting your wildlife sightings helps us:

  • to understand the locations and population trends of our species
  • support our research needs
  • informs management decision-making

The Jersey Biodiversity Centre (JBC)​ is a charity which collects, manages and shares data on Jersey's wild species. It is the main biological records facility in Jersey.

To report any sightings in your home, garden or Jersey’s countryside:

You can also create an account with the JBC. You’ll be able to:

  • add records one by one or add a list of records
  • import records from a file
  • access records in the future

Register a new account on JBC

What you should report

You should tell us about any wild:

  • animals
  • insects
  • marine life
  • plants, lichens, fungi

We find records of all species useful. These can be common ones or those which are endangered or protected. 

You should also report sightings of invasive  species. This helps us understand their presence and spread on the Island.

In your record include:

  • your name
  • species name
  • how many you saw
  • date seen
  • location or habitat

Find more information on wildlife and protected species.

Butterfly monitoring scheme

The Jersey Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (JBMS) is financed by the government but is it's almost entirely based on volunteer recorders.

Become a volunteer or find out more on the butterfly monitoring scheme.

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