​​​​​​​​​Biodiversity and development
Biodiversity is the variety and diversity of life. In Jersey, biodiversity is present everywhere from the centre of town to the surrounding shores and countryside. Any types of development can affect Jersey’s biodiversity.
Your planning application needs to show that:
- you have a sustainable design
- you have considered the impacts on local biodiversity
- your proposal doesn’t directly or indirectly cause harm to biodiversity
- where possible, your design leaves the natural environment in a better state
You may need to include measures to avoid, minimise or replace impacts in your development designs.
The Bridging Island Plan 2022 to 2025
The Bridging Island Plan 2022 to 2025 is the main consideration in all planning-related decision-making in Jersey. The Natural Environment chapter of the Plan describes the framework for assessing change that affects Jersey’s natural environment. Protecting Jersey’s biodiversity and avoiding negative environmental impact is part of the aims and objectives of the
Bridging Island Plan 2022 to 2025.
Development should aim to make a positive contribution to sustainable development by enhancing local conditions to support wildlife.
Legal protections
Jersey’s geographical position and climate supports a rich and diverse fauna and flora. Many of these species are of international importance and protected by the
Wildlife (Jersey) Law 2021. Areas of Special Protection designated under the Law provide protection from disturbance to specific species throughout their life cycles.
Key habitats are identified in the Biodiversity Strategy as natural or semi-natural habitats which are at risk due to their rarity or if they are in decline. They may also be important for key species of plants or animals.
Biodiversity: a strategy for Jersey
Sites of Special Interest
Some habitats are legally protected as Sites of Special Interest under the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002.
Find a list and map showing the distribution of Jersey’s natural Sites of Special Interest on
natural site search.
What to provide with your planning application
The information you provide with your planning application should allow for an informed decision to be made about the potential impact of your proposal on wildlife and their habitats.
Depending on the nature, scale and impacts of your proposal, you’ll need to complete:
- a Wildlife Trigger List
- a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) report
- an Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) report
A qualified ecologist can confirm the details you need and prepare a report to submit with your application.
A Householders Guide to Engaging an Ecologist on CIEEM
Make sure you get advice from a professional ecologist as early as possible. Some species can only be surveyed certain times of year and this may create delays or constraints with your development.
Ecological survey calendar
Wildlife Trigger List
You need to submit a trigger list with any planning application, unless it’s for:
- display of an advertisement
- complaint about a high hedge
- works to trees protected by a Tree Preservation Order
Your application will not be registered as complete until this is received.
If your trigger list shows that your proposal may have negative impacts on biodiversity you’ll need to also submit a PEA or EcIA report. The report you’ll need to complete depends on the extent of the impacts.
Wildlife Trigger List
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) report
A PEA is an initial scoping assessment to identify ecological features and value on and around your development site.
It provides an early understanding of biodiversity impacts and how you can avoid or reduce them.
Your PEA should include:
- a search of local wildlife records for the site and its surroundings from the
Jersey Biodiversity Centre
- a walkover of the site to classify and map habitat types present
- an inspection for evidence or signs protected species
- measures to increase the biodiversity value of the site when the development is complete
It’s best to carry out your PEA between March and September, but it can be done any time of the year.
If your PEA identifies minor impacts that can be avoided using precautionary methods, you’ll only need to submit that report. If impacts can’t be avoided or the report hasn’t provided enough evidence, further ecological surveys may be recommended and you’ll need to complete a EcIA report.
Find more
guidelines for preliminary ecological appraisal on CIEEM.
Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) report
You’ll need to complete an EcIA if your proposal is likely to create impacts on biodiversity that can’t be avoided by precautionary methods.
Your EcIA should include:
- completion of any required ecological surveys
- an impact assessment based on the findings of the surveys
- detailed measures needed in order to avoid, reduce or compensate for identified impacts
- proposals to increase the biodiversity value on completion of the development
Find more
guidelines for ecological impact assessment on CIEEM​.
Green roofs to help biodiversity
Green roofs, or living roofs, are roofs covered by vegetation.
They can play an important role in enhancing biodiversity, especially in urban environments.
Green roofs have many benefits for development:
- provide a natural habitat for birds, insects and other wildlife
- absorb rainfall and reduce stormwater runoff
- remove heat from the air and reduce the heat island effect, which often happens in urban areas
- create an attractive environment
- give opportunities for residents and local communities to engage with nature
Choosing the right mix of plant species is important to maximise the benefits of green roofs. A diverse mix of native plants are generally the best choice.
Ecological guidance for green roofs​
​Artificial lighting and wildlife
Artificial lighting from development can:
- have significant impacts on light sensitive species, such as bats
- be harmful if it illuminates important foraging habitats or wildlife corridors
- affect enjoyment of the countryside or the night sky
You need to carefully consider what lighting is needed in your development and reduce any unnecessary lighting.
You should also consider the potential impacts of obtrusive light on wildlife and the environment when planning a development.
Guidance notes on bats and artificial lighting at night