​Plans to save seas and coastlines
The coast and seas around Jersey are an integral part of Island life. It is therefore essential that the coast is protected and managed so that it can continue to be enjoyed by generations to come.
Our coasts and seas are under increasing pressures from such calls as:
- reclamation
- offshore wind farms
- climate change
- growth in marine and coastal leisure activities
If we are to manage these pressures with any confidence, we need to redress this imbalance and improve our knowledge of the underwater world that surrounds us.
The Integrated Coastal Zone Management Strategy (ICZM) aims to bring together all parties that:
- develop
- manage
- use the coast
The division of the strategy's policies
The strategy sets out a number of policies to achieve this integration under ​four distinct headings:
- the need to protect our coasts and seas
- the need to know more about them
- the need to use our marine and coastal environment sensitively
- the need to include everyone with an interest or responsibility to get involved
The strategy also sets out what can be expected from the implementation of the strategy in terms of outputs and outcomes and provides a summary of the costs and benefits. A lot can be achieved by working within existing resources, but there are areas where we have obligations under international conventions, which require additional funding to be able to meet these responsibilities. We have already employed a Marine and Coastal Projects Officer with specific responsibility for implementing the strategy.
The benefit for Jersey in the long term will be a well managed, healthy coastal and marine environment that supports a thriving economy and which is a source of pride for the community.
Download integrated coastal zone management strategy (size 408kb)​