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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Protected wetlands

What are wetlands?

A wetland is an area where water covers or saturates the ground for prolonged periods, resulting in the presence of specially adapted: 

  • plants
  • animals
  • soils

The description covers a vast range of places, among them:

  • estuaries
  • meadows
  • ponds
  • rivers
  • streams
  • bogs

Many wetlands are natural but some, for example most garden ponds, are the work of people.

Jersey's wetlands have an important place in the natural diversity of Jersey. These special habitats are capable of sustaining a wide variety of wildlife, although many areas have been lost over the years due to the effects of:

  • intensive agriculture
  • urban sprawl
  • natural encroachment

St Ouen's pond, on the west coast, is probably the most significant wetland area in Jersey. The other important wetland sites are Rue des Pres SSI and Grouville Marsh SSI. Here, SSI stands for Site of Special (ecological) Interest.

Wetlands leaflet
St Ouen's Pond SSI
Grouville Marsh SSI
Rue des Pres SSIā€‹

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