An opportunity to shape future changes in the Islandā€™s property tax system.
- Closed:
- 31 January, 2015
- Type:
- Green paper
- Department:
- Treasury and Exchequer
Browse all Treasury and Exchequer consultationsGive your views on the adoption of the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) in Jersey
- Closed:
- 30 January, 2015
- Type:
- Other
- Department:
- Office of the Chief Executive
Browse all Office of the Chief Executive consultationsGive your views on a proposed amendment to the Wills and Succession (Jersey) Law 1993
- Closed:
- 30 November, 2014
- Type:
- Other
- Department:
- Office of the Chief Executive
Browse all Office of the Chief Executive consultationsWe want to hear your views about changes to the Royal Court Rules
- Closed:
- 30 November, 2014
- Type:
- Other
- Department:
- Non-executives and legal departments
Browse all Non-executives and legal departments consultationsHave your say on how the OFSO should be funded
- Closed:
- 14 November, 2014
- Type:
- Other
- Department:
- Department for the Economy
Browse all Department for the Economy consultationsGive us your views on the different issues surrounding equal marriage legislation
- Closed:
- 22 October, 2014
- Type:
- Other
- Department:
- Office of the Chief Executive
Browse all Office of the Chief Executive consultationsComments are welcomed on the proposed ACoP on managing health and safety in construction
- Closed:
- 19 September, 2014
- Type:
- Other
- Department:
- Employment, Social Security and Housing
Browse all Employment, Social Security and Housing consultationsHave your say on the role of the Financial Services Ombudsman
- Closed:
- 15 September, 2014
- Type:
- Other
- Department:
- Department for the Economy
Browse all Department for the Economy consultationsWe would like to hear your views on the incorporation of the Ports of Jersey
- Closed:
- 18 August, 2014
- Type:
- White paper
- Department:
- Department for the Economy
Browse all Department for the Economy consultationsThe Employment Forum wants to know your views on the minimum wage rate from April 2015
- Closed:
- 08 August, 2014
- Type:
- Other
- Department:
- Employment, Social Security and Housing
Browse all Employment, Social Security and Housing consultationsLet us have your views on the use of the Jersey paths network, now and in the future
- Closed:
- 07 August, 2014
- Type:
- Other
- Department:
- Infrastructure and Environment
Browse all Infrastructure and Environment consultationsGive your views on the amount of remuneration received by States members
- Closed:
- 14 July, 2014
- Type:
- Other
- Department:
- Non-executives and legal departments
Browse all Non-executives and legal departments consultationsView States member's amendments to the Island Plan interim review and make your comments
- Closed:
- 03 June, 2014
- Type:
- Other
- Department:
- Infrastructure and Environment
Browse all Infrastructure and Environment consultationsComment on a proposed law to protect against sex discrimination
- Closed:
- 30 May, 2014
- Type:
- Other
- Department:
- Employment, Social Security and Housing
Browse all Employment, Social Security and Housing consultationsHave your say on pieces of secondary legislation around the financial services ombudsman
- Closed:
- 08 May, 2014
- Type:
- Other
- Department:
- Department for the Economy
Browse all Department for the Economy consultationsStakeholders are invited to comment on the draft Regulation of Care (Jersey) Law 201-
- Closed:
- 06 May, 2014
- Type:
- Other
- Department:
- Health and Care Jersey
Browse all Health and Care Jersey consultationsGive us your comments on the development of the draft Charities Law
- Closed:
- 01 May, 2014
- Type:
- Other
- Department:
- Office of the Chief Executive
Browse all Office of the Chief Executive consultationsComment on the proposed review of transparency of beneficial ownership of companies
- Closed:
- 30 April, 2014
- Type:
- Other
- Department:
- Office of the Chief Executive
Browse all Office of the Chief Executive consultationsTell us your views about a proposed new pedestrian refuge on St Saviour's hill
- Closed:
- 18 April, 2014
- Type:
- Other
- Department:
Browse all consultationsHave your say on allowing a trial period for complete relaxation of Sunday trading laws
- Closed:
- 28 March, 2014
- Type:
- White paper
- Department:
- Department for the Economy
Browse all Department for the Economy consultationsComment on the proposed new alcohol and licensing strategy for Jersey
- Closed:
- 24 March, 2014
- Type:
- Other
- Department:
- Office of the Chief Executive
Browse all Office of the Chief Executive consultationsMake comment on the application for a waste management licence
- Closed:
- 25 February, 2014
- Type:
- Other
- Department:
- Infrastructure and Environment
Browse all Infrastructure and Environment consultationsWe would like to have your comments on the proposed pedestrian refuge at Bel Royal.
- Closed:
- 21 February, 2014
- Type:
- Other
- Department:
Browse all consultationsWe would like your comments on six new proposed bus shelters.
- Closed:
- 14 February, 2014
- Type:
- Other
- Department:
Browse all consultationsNew zebra crossings in Grenville Street and Green Street, do you have any comments?
- Closed:
- 07 February, 2014
- Type:
- Other
- Department:
Browse all consultations