Check below to see the current waiting time for the service you require.
Opening hours for telephone and email
| Opening Hours | Days |
General enquiries
(including registration cards) | 8.30am to 5pm | Monday to Friday |
Cashiers | 8.30am to 5pm | Monday to Friday |
Contributions | 8.30am to 5pm | Monday to Friday |
Health benefits | 8.30am to 5pm | Monday to Friday |
Income support | 8.30am to 5pm | Monday to Friday |
Pensions | 8.30am to 5pm | Monday to Friday |
Personal tax
| 8.30am to 5pm | Monday to Friday |
Planning and Building Control
| 10am to 2pm
| Monday to Friday
Public Employee Pension Scheme
| 8.30am to 1pm | Tuesday only |
Online services
Online forms and services
Customers urgently requiring services that are not available online should call the department on +44 (0) 1534 444444 or email