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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Employment, Social Security and Housing privacy policies

​​​​​​​​About the information we collect

Employment, Social Security and Housing (ESSH) delivers a wide range of government services and is registered with the Office of the Information Commissioner as a Controller and a Processor. 

ESSH processes information for a number of other Government departments. 

ESSH receives phone calls and enquiries for multiple Government of Jersey services and routes them to the appropriate section for action. This includes customer feedback and complaints and requests relating to data subjects' rights such as requests for records.

Most of our data processing takes place within Government buildings but sometimes staff are required to work from off-site locations including their homes. In these settings, data security continues to be given the utmost priority.

When you make an appointment to visit our Customer Hub at Union Street, either using the online booking form or by telephone with an advisor, you will be required to provide a mobile number and email address. These may be used to send you confirmation of the appointment details, a reminder of the appointment closer to the time and notification should a change be made to the appointment. 

These may also be used to send you a survey following the appointment giving you the opportunity to provide feedback on the customer service you have received. Participation in the survey is voluntary and any responses are anonymous.

As part of booking the appointment you also have the option of providing details of any additional requirements you may have which will assist us in facilitating your appointment. This information will only be accessible to the staff dealing with your appointment. However, you should still avoid including any personal data that is not relevant to the appointment. 

All personal information provided when arranging an appointment is kept for 90 days following the appointment before being deleted. 

When you visit our Customer Hub at Union Street, you may have several matters to deal with. Our queue system allows you to speak with different advisors so that you receive specialist advice on each of your matters. In conversation with the advisors, you may provide them with more information than they need. 

The advisor may use relevant parts of this information when passing you on to the next person to assist you. This will reduce the need for you to repeat yourself and allows us to help you efficiently. Our advisors make notes within the queuing system, but these do not identify you as an individual, even so you will be asked for your verbal consent before any notes are made.

If you have visited our Customer Hub at Union Street you will have been recorded on our CCTV. These recordings are kept for 28 days before being deleted. They can only be accessed by authorised personnel. CCTV is used for the safety and security of our staff and visitors and for the prevention and detection of crime. 

When you telephone and speak to one of our advisors it is possible that the call will be recorded. These recordings are kept for 14 days and may be used for training and quality purposes.

If you leave a message on our voicemail systems, your message will be kept until we are able to return your call or make a note of your message.

File notes of when and why you called may be taken for record keeping purposes. We will not pass on the content of your telephone calls, unless is it necessary for us to do so either to: 

  • ​fulfil your request for a service
  • comply with a legal obligation
  • where permitted under other legislation

ESSH is responsible for managing the Government People Directory, which has its own privacy notice. If you become employed by the Government of Jersey, The People Hub (who are part of the Cabinet Office has restricted system access and can obtain your Social Security number, eligibility for work status and contributions liability. 

This data is transferred to the Government's Connect People system controlled by People and Corporate Services and subsequently accessed by payroll staff to ensure you are paid appropriately.

We won't pass on your details to any marketing companies.

Find more information on how your data is used under the relevant privacy policy in the table below.

Privacy policies​

Privacy Policy

Back to Work
Customer Experience
Health Benefits
Income Support
Long Term Care
Registration Cards

Social Security privacy policy​ ​ ​

Housing Control
Housing Control's privacy policy
Business Licensing
Business Licensing's privacy policy
Customs and immigration
Jersey Customs and Immigration Service's privacy policy
Building Control

Development and Building Control's privacy policy

​Affordable Housing Gateway
Affordable Housing Gateway privacy policy

​Housing Advice Service​

​​Housing Advice Service privacy policy


If you have an enquiry or concern regarding the Government of Jersey processing your personal data you can:

You can also complain to the Information Commissioner about the way your information is being used:

  • email the Information Commissioner at​
  • call +44 (0) 1534 716530
  • write​​ to Office of the Information Commissioner, Second floor, 5 Castle Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3BT

Retention schedules

Under the Public Records (Jersey) Law 2002 each department must produce a schedule for the records they hold. This schedule shows the retention period of each record (how long it is held for), if the record is archival (holds historic value), the disposal action for the record, and any further notes about the handling of the record.

Employment, Social Security and Housing retention schedules

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