​​​How we us​e the information about you
We'll use the information you provide in a manner that conforms to the
Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018 and to the
Statistics and Census (Jersey) Law 2018.
The census law appoints Statistics Jersey as the legal entity to run the Jersey Census. It also ensures we're independent from Government, and sets out strict rules for how we collect, analyse and distribute data. Statistics Jersey is registered as a 'Controller' under the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018 (the “Data Protection Law”) as we determine the purpose and means of the processing of the personal information collected about you for this service.
The legal basis for this processing is for public functions. The processing is necessary for the exercise of any function of Crown, the States or any public authority (Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018, Schedule 2, paragraph 4b).
​The data collected will be used by Statistics Jersey for statistical purposes in accordance with the
Statistics and Census (Jersey) Law 2018, with the aim of:
- providing statistical reports of interest to, and which assist with decision-making by, public authorities, other undertakings and individuals (including the general public)
- contributing to public policy development and the delivery of public services
- co-ordinating as effectively as possible and rendering useful the information produced from the data and avoiding unnecessary duplication of requests for information
We take data confidentiality very seriously. We want you to feel safe about sharing your personal information with us. We have put the following measures in place to keep your information safe:
- ​all information collected for the census is protected by law
- only a small number of authorised staff can access the census forms and electronic records
- the penalty for any breaches by staff include a fine or imprisonment
- all staff are made fully aware of their legal obligations by signing a confidentiality declaration
- no individual-level data will be shared with anyone outside of Statistics Jersey
- only grouped statistics are published so it won’t be possible to identify individuals from the published report
Data sharing
No information from the census including personal information will be shared with anyone outside of Statistics Jersey. This information collected for the census will only be used for statistical purposes and won't otherwise be published or communicated.
A complete set of census returns has been put into secure storage at Jersey Archive for a period of 100 years after which time they will be available as a historical record.
All members of the census team must sign a declaration that they are aware of their duties and responsibilities to protect census data by law, and the penalties involved should they fail to do so (as specified in
the Statistics and Census (Jersey) Law, 2018).
At no time will your information be passed to organisations for marketing or sales purposes or for any commercial use.
​Publication of your information
Initially, census information will only be published in a form where individuals and households can't be identified.
Only after 100 years has elapsed will the original census records held by Jersey Archive be accessible to the public.
If you email us we may keep a record of your email address and a copy of the email for record keeping purposes.
For security reasons we won't include any confidential information about you in any email we send to you. We would also suggest that you keep the amount of confidential information you send to us via email to a minimum or use our secure online services where possible or correspond with us by post.
We won't share your email address or your email contents unless it's necessary for us to do so; either to fulfil your request for a service; to comply with a legal obligation, or where permitted under other legislation.
Phone calls
We don't record or monitor any phone calls you make to us using recording equipment, although if you leave a message on our voicemail systems your message will be kept until we are able to return your call or make a note of your message.
File notes of when and why you called may be taken for record keeping purposes.
We won't pass on the content of your phone calls, unless is it necessary for us to do so either:
- to fulfil your request for a service
- to comply with a legal obligation
where permitted under other legislation
Statutory or contractual obligations to provide personal data
Under the
Statistics and Census (Jersey) Law 2018, Schedule 8, Paragraph 7 an individual must comply with any requests to give information for the purposes of a census.
Your rights
You can ask us to stop processing your information
Whilst you have the right to request that we stop processing your personal data in relation to the census, the processing of your personal data is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation and as such, your request may be refused.
You can ask us to correct or amend your information
You have the right to challenge the accuracy of the information we hold about you and you have the right to request that it is corrected where necessary.
So once you’ve submitted your census information, if you wish to make an amendment, please contact the census office as soon as possible. Data can only be amended for matters of accuracy, e.g. if having submitted a census questionnaire you realise that you have answered a question inaccurately, then you can request the response be amended.
You can request that the processing of your personal data is restricted
Whilst you have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal information, you can only exercise this right in instances where you believe the information being processed:
- is inaccurate
- is out of date
- there are no legitimate grounds for the processing
However, the processing of your personal data in connection with the census is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation and as such, your request that we restrict the processing of your personal data may be refused.
You can ask us for a copy of the information we hold about you
You are legally entitled to request a list of, or a copy of any information that we hold about you.
How to make a Subject Access Request (SAR)​
Retention schedule
Statistics Jersey retention schedule
If you have an enquiry or concern regarding how we process your personal data you can:
- call +44 (0) 1534 444400 (the Census Office)
- email Statistics Jersey statistics@gov.je
- email our Corp​orate Data Protection Officer
- write to Statistics Jersey, 19-21 Broad Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8QT
You can also contact the Information Commissioner about the way your information is being used by:
- emailing
- calling +44 (0) 1534 716530
- writing to Office of the Information Commissioner, Second floor, 5 Castle Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3BT​