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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Digital Policy framework banner government graphicDigital Policy framework banner government graphic

Jersey has a long track record as a fast mover, adapting to new trends to carve out its area of expertise.

We have been world-famous as clothing producers, farmers, fishermen and, most recently, as financiers. Digital represents Jersey’s great opportunity to enhance our position as a knowledge-based economy, delivering prosperity and stability for the Island and its people.

“Digital” is the world of Internet-enabled technology, within both the sector of specialist businesses developing new uses for online technology, as well as the wider economy that relies on the Internet. The development of the digital sector will play an important role in the Government’s efforts to diversify the economy and pursue productivity-led economic growth. Over the life of this Framework, the high-productivity digital sector will become an increasingly significant driver of the Island’s prosperity.

As we look to the future, Jersey will become one of the most attractive locations in the world to run a digital enterprise. We will ensure the workforce has the right skills for the digital age and that people have the capability to make the most of a more connected society. By pioneering the use of new technologies in government, we will transform our public services and make them as accessible as the most innovative consumer services developed by the private sector.

The government has already made significant strides towards realising the potential of the digital revolution by:

  • launching Digital Jersey to act as a trusted advisor, a facilitator between public and private sectors, and a promoter of our digital industry abroad
  • investing ÂŁ9.5m in an eGovernment programme that will transform the way government interacts with Islanders and make it more efficient
  • establishing a dedicated Digital Policy Unit in government
  • investing in superfast fibre-optic broadband connections to the premises
  • commissioning the Atkins Review to identify where we can strengthen the Island’s cyber security

As technology changes the way we do business, a growing digital sector will ensure that the Island remains globally competitive and ready to capture the economic opportunities of the future.”

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