​The Digital Policy Framework provides the structure for policymaking from which actions will flow, as designed by a number of different partners. The responsibility for delivery of these objectives over the coming years will lie with the corresponding Government Department or body, as below.
​Thriving Digital Sector | ​Digital Jersey, Chief Minister's Department - Digital Policy Unit |
​Digital Skills for All | ​Department for Education, Digital Jersey |
​Government Digital Transformation | ​Chief Minister's Department - Information Services |
​Advanced Digital Infrastructure | ​Chief Minister's Department - Digital Policy Unit |
​Robust Cyber Security | ​Chief Minister's Department - Digital Policy Unit, Cyber Security Task |
​Secure Data Protection | ​Chief Minister's Department - Digital Policy Unit and Information Services |
A number of partners will work with Government to achieve our objectives. A selection of the key initiatives for 2017 is included below. This is not exhaustive and will be updated, while always remaining within the structure of the Digital Policy Framework.
Cyber security strategy | A new strategy to make Jersey a safer place to live and do business in | Chief Minister's Department, Cyber Security Task Force | Q1 |
Digital health strategy | A new strategy to digitise the Island's whole health and care sector | Digital Jersey, Health and Social Services Department | Q1 |
Fintech strategy | A new strategy to develop Jersey's proposition as a fintech centre | Digital Jersey, Chief Minister's Department, Jersey Finance, Jersey Financial Services Commission | Q2 |
Smart Island Strategy | A new strategy to develop Jersey's proposition as a centre for the Internet of Things | Digital Jersey, Department for Infrastructure | Q2 |
Education Business Partnership | Creating a forum for education providers and industry to collaborate and partner to increase digital skills in Jersey | Digital Jersey, Department for Education | Q4 |
Digital sector statistics released | Statistics on Jersey's digital sector including GVA, employment and productivity released | Digital Jersey, Government Statistics Unit | Q4 |
Data protection legislation drafted and lodged for debate | Legislation for a new data protection regime goes to the States for debate | Chief Minister's Department, Law Officers' Department | Q3 |
New model for Office of the Information Commissioner | Regulatory and funding model agreed | Chief Minister's Department | Q4 |
Telecoms strategy | A new strategy for the future of Jersey's telecoms environment | Chief Minister's Department, CICRA | Q3 |
Skills Strategy | A renewed strategy including a plan for digital skills in Jersey | Department for Education, Digital Jersey | Q4 |