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L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Short Breaks for Children with Disabilities

​About Short Breaks

Short breaks are for children and young people with disabilities. They provide them with an opportunity to spend time away from their primary carers. They can take part in a range of fun activities. They can develop their independence, emotional resilience and confidence. Short Breaks also help parents and carers to have a break from their caring responsibilities. 

There are 3 levels of Short Break support available in Jersey. We call these tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3.

Children will be supported at the lowest tier that meets their needs.

Tier 1: Universal Short Breaks

These are Short Breaks for children accessing mainstream activities without an assessment. This could include youth clubs, brownies, cubs, nurseries, childminders and activity-based groups. 

The Youth Service, in partnership with the Jersey Child Care Trust, help children and young people access these activities. They offer advice to providers to help them support children and young people. They also support families to help them find appropriate activities.

Universal Short Breaks - Inclusion Support Service

Tier 2: Targeted Short Breaks

Targeted Short Breaks are for children and young people who can't access mainstream activities. They can access targeted groups especially for children and young people with disabilities. They may need some support to access these. Some of these activities need a referral and some don't.

Targeted Short Break opportunities available without a referral

Children and young people with disabilities can access some targeted activities without a referral. These include:

  • Inclusion Project run by the Youth Service
  • Jersey Sport’s Sportability sessions
  • Autism Jersey’s school holiday scheme
  • Youth Service’s targeted school holiday scheme

Organisations will usually charge a fee. The Children with Disabilities Directory has more information about these activities.

Targeted Short Breaks that need a referral

The Child Development and Therapy Centre co-ordinate the targeted Short Break offer for children and young people aged 4-18 years for those who meet the eligibility criteria.

This offer consists of:

  • a weekly session at a 3 hour weekend play or youth group (A charge of £5 per session will charged from 1st January 2020)
  • 7 sessions per year at a short break authorised school holiday play or youth scheme. (A charge of £10 per 6 hour session will be charged from 1st January 2020)

If you feel you might struggle to pay these fees, please contact us as we may be able to help. We wouldn't want any child missing out on their activity due to lack of funds.

Tier 3: Specialist Short Breaks

If your child's needs can't be met at tier 1 or tier 2, a professional will help you to complete an Early Help assessment. This will also involve any other agencies working with your family. The aim is to identify your family's strengths and needs.

If the Early Help assessment shows that more support is needed, a referral will be made to a social worker. The social worker will use the Early Help assessment to find other services where the needs could be met.

This might include specialist Short Breaks, including:

  • 1:1 support to access community activities
  • daytime support at a Short Break Centre
  • overnight short breaks
  • short break foster care

Universal and targeted services are also available to children who access specialist services. For more information, contact the Children and Families Hub.

Children's Short Breaks Leaflet

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