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L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Eden House Children's Short Breaks home

About Eden House

Eden House is a short break home specialising in personalised short breaks for children and young people up to 18 on the autism spectrum and / or who have associated developmental complex needs.

Facilities at Eden House

Eden House has:

  • two bedrooms upstairs and a third bedroom in the attached Eden flat
  • a low arousal environment
  • a spacious safe garden
  • a sensory room

Services at Eden House

Eden House provides a range of planned short breaks, from a few hours to a few days and occasionally longer, depending on the assessed needs of the child and their family.

We aim to provide targeted support to improve outcomes for all children and young people during their time at Eden House. Support may focus on learning independence skills, enhancing communication and socialisation skills, supporting with sleep issues, understanding sensory needs and coping with anxiety â€“ but most of all to have fun.

Referral to Eden House

Referrals are made following an assessment by a social worker from the Complex Needs Team. The Social Work team are accessed through the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub as a central point for all new referrals.  Contact the Short Breaks Service Lead for more information.

Contact the Short Breaks Service Lead


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