About the the child measurement scheme
The child measurement scheme is a routine health check and one of many checks which take place at different stages of a child’s development.
The measurements take place when children start primary school and when they are in their final year of primary school. This is so the school nurse team can check that your child is developing and thriving as they should be for their age.
We recognise that measurements can be a matter of sensitivity for some parents and children however it's helpful to carry out these measurements so that the public health department can better consider trends in child development over time.
Standardised child growth chart
A standardised child growth chart is used to check if your child’s height and weight is in proportion. The school nurse will plot the weight and height on the growth chart and write this on the child health record at the time of the measurement.
Some medical conditions or medications may influence a child’s growth and therefore affect the position of the plot on the growth chart. The General practitioner (GP) or other health professionals caring for your child will be able to discuss this with you.
How the record is kept
The record is sent to you and the public health department. The paper enclosed with this letter provides your record of your child’s weight and height and the centile for each, taken from the growth chart.
In general a child’s height and weight will have a no more than a 2 centile difference if they are in proportion. If there is a large difference between the height and weight centiles, the scho​ol nurse may contact you.
If your child’s measurement is within the proportionate height and weight range then you will not be contacted.
The school nurse team are available to discuss your child’s result with you and provide further advice and support.
If you would like to discuss any other aspect of your child’s development and health, call the School Nurse Team on +44 (0) 1534 ​443622.