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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Day surgery unit (DSU)

We provide a comprehensive range of surgical treatments. The unit has 22 beds, 2 operating theatres, 1 minor operations suite and a recovery suite. They all have the latest technology.

We provide care for adults and children from age 2 upwards.

Our location

We are on the first floor of Gwyneth Huelin, accessed through the outpatients entrance of the General Hospital. This entrance is in Newgate Street, near Patriotic Street multi-storey car park.

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Opening hours

We are open from 7.30am to 8pm, from Monday to Friday. In an emergency out of hours, contact the General Hospital on +44 (0) 1534 442000 and ask for the Emergency Department.

Your admission

If we ask you to arrive at 8am

Your operation is scheduled between 9am and 12pm and you'll be discharged later that morning or early afternoon.

If we ask you to arrive at 12.30pm

Your operation is scheduled between 1.30pm and 5pm and you'll be discharged home by late afternoon or early evening.

Have a bath or shower before coming into hospital. Do not apply any nail varnish, makeup, body creams or lotions on the day of your operation.

General anaesthetic or sedation

If you’re having a general anaesthetic or sedation, follow the starvation instructions on your admission letter.

We ask that you stay with us at least 1 hour after your operation before you go home. It’s very important that you arrange for someone to collect you from the ward and stay with you for the first 24 hours.

Your appointment

If you know in advance that you're unable to keep your appointment for any reason, contact our admissions unit on +44 (0) 1534 442733. 

If you can't keep your appointment, and you only find out on the day of your appointment, call us on the ward on +44 (0) 1534 442120. We can make alternative arrangements for you and offer your space to someone else.

It’s important you arrive on time or inform us if you’re going to be late.

What to bring

To pass the time while you are waiting, you may like to bring something to read or a personal music player. TVs, magazines, children’s toys and computer games are available on the unit.

Bring any prescription medication / inhalers you are taking. Check with staff what medication you should stop and take on the day of your operation if you're unsure.

Private patients

Bring your completed insurance forms with you to your appointment.

What to expect on the day

On admission, you have a named nurse responsible for coordinating your nursing care. Your nurse is part of a larger team of nurses here to look after you. You can approach any nurse in the unit if you have any concerns or questions.

We admit you to the ward and confirm your details. We can’t give you a specific time for your procedure in advance, but we’ll keep you informed when you’re admitted.

Your consent

The surgeon and anaesthetist also see you before your operation and asks you to sign a consent form, if you haven’t already done so.


All jewellery, except wedding rings, are removed before theatre. The hospital does not accept responsibility for lost valuables. We ask you to sign a disclaimer that states you are responsible for your own belongings while in hospital.

Contact lenses

If you wear contact lenses, it will be necessary to remove these before surgery if you are having a general anaesthetic. You may want to bring extra lenses or glasses with you for after your procedure.


We give you a theatre gown and a dressing gown to wear. The anaesthetic nurse takes you to the anaesthetic room, where the anaesthetist meets you.

Recovery room

When you wake up you will be in the recovery room. When you’re awake and comfortable, we transport you back to the ward on your bed. We leave you rest or sleep for a short period with a call bell by your bedside in case you need assistance. As soon as you feel able, you can have something to eat and drink.

After surgery

Tell us immediately if you're experiencing any pain or nausea. When you have recovered and you fulfil our discharge criteria, we contact your carer so that you can go home.

If you are having either a general anaesthetic or sedation, someone must collect you from the ward and stay with you for the first 24 hours.

Following a general anaesthetic

For 24 hours after you’ve had a general anaesthetic:

  • don’t drive 
  • don’t operate machinery
  • don’t drink alcohol
  • don’t make any legal decisions

Collecting somebody from DSU

Once you are discharged from DSU, you can leave once a friend or family member over 18 years old has come to collect you. We will not allow you to go home until that person arrives.

The entrance on Newgate Street, Outpatients Department, closes at 7pm. It still allows you to exit from this door after 7pm. If you arrive before 7pm, you can wait in the DSU lounge.

If a patient is due to leave the unit after 7pm, you need to enter the hospital through the main entrance in The Parade. You can leave via the Gwyneth Huelin Wing exit.

We give you any care information about your operation, medication and any appointments that you need. It is very important before you leave the ward, that you and your carer are happy with the information given. If you're unsure of anything, ask us before you go home.

After we discharge you

We’ll let you know of any outpatient appointments you need by a letter sent in the post.
Contact us if any of the following occur within the first 5​ days after surgery:

  • wound pain that is not helped by the tablets we have given you
  • heavy bleeding from your wound
  • excessive swelling at the wound
  • high temperature, wound discharge or infection

If any of these occur outside our opening hours, contact the General Hospital on +44 (0) 1534 442000 and ask for the Emergency Department.

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