By Bus
The number 24 bus, known as the Town hopper, leaves from Liberation Station and passes Samares at St Ewolds every hour.
The number 4 also passes Samares at St Ewolds. It leaves from Liberation Station but the frequency of this service varies.
Find more information and timetables on Libertybus.​
Scheduled therapy
We may need to schedule therapy sessions during visiting times, and they take priority over visits.
Scheduled therapy sessions are shown on a timetable in the patient's room, these times may be subject to change.
Protected mealtimes
We observe protected mealtimes at the Unit and may ask you to leave while meals are served. Protected mealtimes are an important part of a patients care and recovery. Keeping these times protected means patients can eat in in a clam atmosphere with time to enjoy this vital part of their recovery.
What to expect as an inpatient
When you stay at Samares, you’ll receive 24-hour nursing care support, and medical cover Monday to Friday.
Our Therapy team will work closely with you throughout the week. You'll receive a timetable of scheduled sessions Monday to Friday. You will also receive a personalised exercise programme.
You and your family will be invited to take part in regular goal setting and review meetings.
Breakfast and lunch are served in the communal dining room, evening meals are served in your room.
What to bring with you
We encourage you to wash and dress in your own clothes each day.
Bring something comfortable to wear. Trousers are usually more comfortable than skirts for therapy sessions.
Bring comfortable, well fitted shoes and socks.
Discharge planning (going home)​
We start planning your discharge when you arrive at the unit.
You will have personalised goals to work towards, that are agreed between you and your therapists. How long you stay depends on your needs and rehabilitation progression.
We involve you in discussions about going home and keep you fully informed of our decisions and actions throughout your stay. ​