​​About the Surgical Floor
The Surgical Floor has 26 beds and is a general surgery ward with an elective direct admissions lounge.
The floor treats patients under many specialities which include:
- Upper Gastrointestinal (GI)
- Ear Nose and Throat (ENT)
- Colorectal
- Vascular
- Urology
- Maxillofacial
- Dental
- Breast
- Gynaecology
- General Surgery
A surgical team will look after you during your stay. This consist of two senior doctors (a Consultant and, or a middle grade doctor) and one junior doctor.
A senior doctor will review you daily (including weekends) during your stay.
Visiting times and information
Visiting hours are strictly 2pm to 4pm, and 6pm to 8pm daily.
This allows staff to carry out care and to give patients protected meal times. Patients may also need a rest period to aid recovery from surgery. Two visitors per patient are permitted at the bedside. We can be flexible if there are special circumstances. Speak to your nurse if you wish to discuss this.
What to expect
Ward rounds
The surgical doctors see their patients every morning between 8.30am and 9.30am. You need to be by your bed space at this time. If you would like to have a relative with you, let your nurse know.
Ask the doctor if you need a medical certificate.
Discharge following surgery
If your procedure is small and you only need a overnight stay we may keep you on the trolley overnight and ask you to leave at 7am the next day to facilitate incoming admissions.
If you need medical assistance following your discharge form the ward, contact your GP or the surgical team you had your operation with.
Any emergencies should go to the Emergency Department at the General Hospital.
This is a non-smoking site. If you want to go outside, speak to your nurse to sign a disclaimer before you leave. This includes the use of e-cigarettes and vapes.
Flowers should not be brought to the ward for infection control purposes and due to lack of space.
Meal times
Having a healthy balanced diet and good fluid intake is vital to your recovery.
Our mealtimes are:
| ​7.30am
​Hot cooked lunch
| ​12.45am
| ​5.30pm
Let us know if you would like us, a relative, or carer to assist you at mealtimes. We cater for special dietary requirements.
You can bring in food from home but we don't have any heating facilities. If you're on a specific diet, check your food with the nurse to ensure your plan of care is followed.
Your safety
We have safety meetings to ensure all staff know the plan of care for patients. These meetings take around 15 minutes and all registered nursing staff attend. They take place at 11am, 4pm and 11pm daily.
Handovers, for change of staff and take place at 7.30am, 1.45pm and midnight daily.
We request you do not bring items of high value or large amounts of cash into hospital. We can lock items away in the hospital safe if you are unable to do this.
Bring your medication into hospital with you and give it to your nurse on admission. We will ensure you have a 14 day supply when you go home.
If you have controlled drugs, please leave these at home.
Mobile phones and Wi-Fi
You can keep your phone switched on to make or receive calls as long as you keep
it on silent. We ask you to respect the privacy of others and avoid using photography.
There is WI-FI available throughout the hospital.
| ​HSS-Visitors
| ​Wellbeing
Contact us
If you have any worries, queries or questions, speak with your nurse.
We aim to provide friendly, high quality care. If you have any comments, compliments or complaints, speak to your nurse or a member of the floor management team.
You can find out how to give us
feedback, email
feedback@gov.je or telephone +44 (0) 1534 444444 or by post:
Government feedback
PO Box 55
St Helier