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Property searches when buying a house or business

​​​​About property searches

If you're buying a property or a business, your advocate might recommend a property search. 

There are different types of property searches that might find out about existing issues at the premises you're thinking of buying, for example:

  • noise
  • radon
  • the drinking water supply
  • contaminated land
  • missing planning permissions
  • fire safety

Anything that comes out of a property search might affect your decision to buy the property or affect the price you're prepared to pay for the premises.

You can find out more about each type of property search below and which department can provide it for you.

Planning and building permissions

This property search reports on:

  • all planning and building applications made since 1988
  • what the application was for
  • the application outcome of pending, approved, refused or withdrawn

For records after 2001 we’ll also provide details of conditions attached to the permit or reasons for refusal. We'll let you know if the building work has commenced or has been completed.

You can ask for a property search for a flat or house or for a main building. If you need searches on multiple addresses, you’ll need to submit an application for each address.

Anyone can apply for these property searches, but it's mostly used by ​lawyers acting on behalf of a client buying or selling a property.

Each search costs £185.33.​

To apply complete the form below and email it to

Planning property search form

It takes 10 working days to process your application.

Fire safety and petroleum

This property search:

  • checks whether a property falls within the confines of any fire safety or licencing legislation
  • details of any reports and inspections
  • whether there are any outstanding requirements relating to fire safety

It also provides information on any existing or historical petroleum installations or overground or underground storage tanks of petroleum spirit.

​You can apply for this search if you're a lawyer acting on behalf of a client buying or selling a property.

Each search costs £478 per property.

​To apply email Fire and Rescue Service on

It takes 10 working days to process your application.

Water pollution risks

​This property search checks for a variety of data including:

  • locations of streams
  • wells
  • springs
  • boreholes

Information on the risk of pesticides and manure can also be received.

​This search is currently free of charge.

Anyone can apply to receive this information using the online water pollu​tion risk map.

There are a number of layers on the map that can be switched on or off depending on the type of information you would like to view.

Drains and sewerage

This property search checks for:

  • the connection of properties to the main drains system
  • whether there are any drainage faults that need to be fixed
  • properties on private drainage systems such as tight tanks or septic tank systems

​You can apply for this search if you're a lawyer acting on behalf of a client buying or selling a property.

Each search costs £91.34, or £121.77 if requested within 3 days of completion.

To apply email or call +44 (0) 1534 448217 or +44 (0) 1534 448554.

​It takes 5 working days to process your application.

Environmental health

​This property search checks if there are any:

  • outstanding legal notices
  • reported structural issues
  • reported neighbour issues ​such as noise complaints
  • known contaminated land nearby

​Anyone can apply but it's mostly used by ​lawyers acting on behalf of a client buying or selling a property.

Each search costs ​£90.41.

​To apply ​email

​It takes 10 working days to process your application.

If you're buying a food business

You should speak to the vendor about any outstanding food safety issues. 

You'll also need to register the food business using the form below.

Licenses to sell refreshments

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