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Moving into a smaller home (downsizing)

​​​​​Downsizing your home

Downsizing is moving into a smaller home that better meets your needs.

You might want to downsize for different reasons:

  • your children might have grown up and moved out
  • your needs, lifestyle or family commitments have changed because of a separation or bereavement
  • you want to be closer to family or services
  • you no longer want or need the home you live in
  • you no longer use all the rooms in your property
  • you want to reduce your home’s running and maintenance costs
  • you want to spend less time on household chores and more time on leisure and recreation
  • your current home requires maintenance or refurbishment
  • you would like to release equity from the sale of your current property

If you’re in social housing, or are considering applying, and you would like to downsize contact the Affordable Housing Gateway.

The right-sizing policy focuses on overcoming the barriers that people experience when downsizing.

Right-sizing Policy from the Minister for Housing

Benefits of downsizing

Reducing costs

Downsizing could help reduce your costs if you’re able to choose:

  • a better insulated home
  • a modernised and more efficient home
  • a lower maintenance home

Releasing equity

Moving to a smaller home can release equity but it’s not always the case. It depends on:

  • the value of your property
  • the price of a smaller home
  • fees and costs involved in moving

To understand more about releasing equity by moving to a smaller home, you should speak with relevant professionals such as a lawyer or estate agent.

​What to consider when downsizing

When downsizing, think about:

  • price, location, availability and type of right-sizing property you would like
  • value of your current property
  • how to prepare your property for sale
  • moving costs, including fees and Stamp Duty
  • moving logistics

Making the decision to move home can be difficult. You may wish to talk with family and friends to understand your housing needs and get advice.

For more guidance and support you can also contact the Housing Advice Service.

​Downsizing to support ageing well

Smaller homes can be more suitable for ageing well.

This can include:

  • accommodation over a single floor or stairs that can accommodate a future stair lift
  • wider corridors
  • accessible bathroom or wet room
  • a room that can accommodate a bed downstairs if future needs require
  • a location close to amenities, shops, and your support networks

The Occupational Therapy Service can help you explore property adaptations for your current or new home. For more information contact occupational therapy.

Alternatives to downsizing to support ageing well

Even if your lifestyle has changed you might decide to stay in your current home.

If so, you may wish to consider:

  • current and future support networks and how well these can help you stay in your property 
  • engaging with the Occupational Therapy Service, and home care services to identify potential home modifications to help ageing well

If you feel like you need more support, it may be that residential care could meet your needs.

Find more information on:

Moving home can be stressful.

To make it easier:

  • plan the stages and take it one step at a time
  • con​sider if you need to declutter and reduce your number of possessions. You may wish to talk to your family about what items are important to keep
  • consider selling or donating excess furniture and household items
  • consider renting a storage unit ​whilst deciding if items are still needed
  • discuss your move with family and friends to see how much support they can offer​

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