βββThe conditions listed below are those typically used for the purposes of agricultural land control as it is transacted through the Royal Court.
Agricultural conditions (a) & (b)
(a) that the land involved in the transaction, shall not, without the consent of the Minister for the Environment, be occupied by anyone other than a bona fide inhabitant of the Island specifically approved by the Minister who is wholly or mainly engaged in work of an agricultural nature in Jersey for his own benefit and profit
(b) that the land involved is used for agricultural or horticultural purposes only; this excludes the grazing of equine animals and the growing of trees without the written consent of the Minister for the Environment
Conditions added to (a) & (b) if land is purchased by non-agriculturalists
(e) that the land involved shall not be occupied by the purchaser(s)
Condition (g) added to (a) & (b) if land purchased by non-agriculturalist but has a sitting tenant
(g) the purchaser shall notify the Minister for the Environment if there is a change of tenant of the land involved by completing and returning a Land Transaction Form
Condition (h) added to (a) & (b) if the land is unoccupied at the time of purchase by a non-agriculturalist
(h) the purchaser shall notify the Minister for the Environment of the leasing arrangements of the land involved by completing and returning a Land Transaction Form
Agricultural conditions if a non-agriculturalist is allowed to occupy the land
(b) that the land involved is used for agricultural or horticultural purposes only
Leasing conditions
(2) that the land involved is used by the lessee for agricultural or horticultural purposes only
(3) that the land involved is not used for the grazing of equine animals or the growing of tree
Non-agricultural land
(c) unconditional:- the issue of this consent is purely permissive and does not exempt the purchaser from any other statutory controls. In particular the permission of the Planning Department may be required before any of the land is considered to be part of the domestic curtilage of the property
Condition if the land is non-agricultural but worth preserving in its natural state eg. woodland, gorseland, dune etc.
(d) material changes to this area of (woodland) may be regarded as detrimental to the landscape and you must apply to the Planning Department for permission before making any changes.