​​This approved code of practice (ACoP) applies to all premises used as a workplace, including domestic premises.
The ACoP contains details of the arrangements which should be in place to ensure that any asbestos containing materials present in the workplace do not place persons at risk. Such risks should be prevented during normal occupation of the premises and during the course of works, such as maintenance or refurbishment.
The areas covered in the ACoP include:
- where asbestos is likely to be found in buildings
- the hazards to health from asbestos
- the requirement for an asbestos management plan to be prepared for any workplace premises
- information for persons who carry out work on materials which are subject to the Asbestos-Licensing (Jersey) Regulations 2008
- information for persons who carry out work on materials which are not subject to the Asbestos-Licensing (Jersey) Regulations 2008
Approved code of practice management of exposure to asbestos ACoP 8 (rev 2020)