Notify us immediately
If you suspect disease call +44 (0) 1534 441600.
About the disease
Bluetongue is a notifiable disease that affects:
- sheep
- cattle
- other ruminants such as goats
It does not affect people or food safety, but outbreaks can result in long animal movement and trade restrictions.
Bluetongue on GOV.UK
Symptoms of bluetongue disease include:
- fever
- tiredness
- lameness
- swelling of the mouth, head and neck
- milk drop
Animals may take a long time to recover, never fully recover or die.
Bluetongue Risk Assessment
Protect livestock
Vaccination is the best way to protect animals from bluetongue.
Bluetongue vaccination authorisation and conditions
How the disease spreads
Bluetongue is spread by midges that bite the animal. It's passed from animal to midge, and midge to animal, but not animal to animal.
The disease can spread over a large area as midges fly or are blown in the winds.
We cannot do much to stop midges breeding. Keeping your livestock away from breeding sites, for example, poorly drained areas and dung heaps, may have a small effect in reducing exposure to the insects.