​About the 2009 consultation
A public consultation on the proposal for a national park for Jersey was publicised and conducted during March 2009. The process included a questionnaire that was sent to 800 addresses within the St Ouen’s Bay area and was accessible to all online. 2 stakeholder workshops were also held on 10 and 11 March 2009.
Responses to the consultation
You can download the response document to the national park consultation, which concludes that:
- there is significant support for a national park
- most organisations and individuals who contributed to the consultation saw benefits to themselves and / or to the Island
- there is consistency about what special qualities should be considered within a national park
- there is no clear consensus around the boundary of the national park
- there is a need to better define what the purposes of a national park for Jersey would be and to address conflicted areas and the reservations of the undecided
- there is likely to be a need for more information to be gathered to address the above
Summary of the National Park Consultation
National Park Consultation response​