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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Revised 2011 Island Plan review core documents

​​​Isl​​​​​and Plan documents

IP1 Green paper review strategic options webpage on portal
IP2 IP white paper draft plan download on
IP3 Island proposals map webpage on
IP4 Town proposals map download on
IP5Policy & zoning amendments schedule
IP6 Strategic environment assessment (Hyder r​eport)
IP6a Download Ministers response ​to Strategic Environment Assessment
IP7 Str​​ategic environment assessment - appendix D - matrices

Public Consultation related documents

PC1 Gree​​n paper consultation report
PC1a Green paper consultation appendix 1
PC1b Green paper consultation appendix 2
PC1c Green paper consultation appendix 3
​PC2 Coastal national park consultation report
PC3 White paper consultation report
PC4 Green paper stakeholder briefing papers
PC5 Green paper stakeholder meeting minutes
PC6 Green paper plenary minutes
PC7 White paper consultation summary
PC8 White paper draft plan amendment schedule
PC9 EiP closing submission

Background technical documents

BT1 Retail Study - DTZ - 2008
BT2 Inert Waste Study - Ian Williams - 2008
BT2 Inert Waste Study - appendices 1-4
BT2 Inert Waste Study - appendices 5-8
BT3 JPC Open Space Study - 2009
BT4 Kelvin Macdonald Housing Affordability Report - 2009
BT5 2007 Housing Needs Survey
BT6 Future Requirements for Homes 2005-2035
BT6a Future Requirements for Homes 2005-2035 - addendum
BT6b Future Requirements for Homes 2005-2035 - addendum 2 
BT7 Town Capacity Report 
BT8 St Helier Office Market Report - BNP Real Estate Jersey 2009
BT9 Light Industrial Report - BNP Real Estate Jersey 2009
BT10 St Helier Character Appraisal Report - Willie Miller - 2005 webpage on
BT11 St Helier Development and Regeneration Stategy EDAW-2007
BT12 Countryside Character Appraisal Report - LUC - 1999 
BT13 Sustainable Transport Plan 2010
BT14 Tidal Power for Jersey - Options and Opportunities - 2008
BT15 Risk Assessment La Collette depot & Jersey Gas facility-2007
BT16 Jersey Mineral Strategy 2000 - 2020 - ARUP - 1999
BT17 Interim Review of Residential Land Availability
BT18 Strategic Land Availability Assessment
BT19 Residential Statistics at 2010
BT20 Draft Housing Policies - update note September 2010

Supporting documents

SD1 SPG* practice note 13 - planning obligation agreements
SD2 SPG* advice note - Development of contaminated land
SD4 SPG* advice note 4 - design statements
SD5 Jersey design guide (October 2008)
SD6 SPG* The Jersey Waterfont (April 2006) - by Chris Shepley
SD7 North of St Helier Masterplan 2009 - Hopkins Architects
SD8 Masterplan Esplanade Quarter (2006) by Hopkins Architects
SD9 Draft outline SPG* Affordable Housing August 2010 
SD10 Affordable Housing Economic Viability Model August 2010
SD11 Draft SPG* Jersey Homebuy

SPG* = supplementary planning guidance

Other States' documents

OS1 States Strategic Plan - 2009-14 
OS2 Imagine Jersey 2035 - preparing for the future
OS4 Biodiversity Strategy for Jersey
OS5 Rural Economy Strategy - 2005
OS6 Countryside Renewal Scheme 
OS7 States of Jersey Retail Framework - 2010
OS8 Jersey Annual Social Survey - 2005
OS9 Jersey Annual Social Survey - 2008 
OS10 Solid Waste Strategy - 2005
OS11 Social Housing Review - Whitehead report - 2009
OS12 Condition of Jersey's Environment - January 2005 
OS13 Protect Ecologically Sensitive Areas-Penny Anderson - 2009
OS14 Samares Nursery site petition
OS15 Intergrated Coastal Zone Mangement Strategy​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
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