Consultation is closed
The Call for Sites allowed you to register sites that you feel should be considered for development or protection from development in the next Island Plan. This consultation was open for 3 months between December 2019 to February 2020.
Assessing identified land
The submission of sites for consideration does not determine the future use of specific pieces of land, but it has helped us identify sites in the Island which might be suitable for development or protection from development.
Draft bridging Island Plan
Land identified through this process has been assessed for its sustainability, suitability and deliverability for different purposes, some of which have been proposed for designation in the draft bridging Island Plan. The draft bridging Island Plan has now been published and a 12-week public consultation has opened. The consultation will close on 12 July, after which independent planning inspectors will examine the draft plan, its evidence base and all representations made in relation to it. You can submit your views through the
draft bridging Island Plan consultation.
Representations made on the draft bridging Island Plan will be considered by independent planning inspectors later in the year, before the States Assembly debate the plan in spring 2022.
Reports on how sites have been considered
Sites put forward for housing have been considered in the
housing land availability and assessment of sites report
Sites put forward for community and open space use have been considered in the
community facilities and open space: assessment of sites report
Sites put forward for employment use have been considered in the
employment land: assessment of sites report
Sites put forward for protection have been considered in the
protection and natural spaces: assessment of sites report
Some sites have been assessed in more than one report, depending on the nature of the proposed use.