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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Island Plan review public events

​Draft Island Plan review consultation

The 12-week statutory public consultation on the draft bridging Island Plan will help shape the future development of Jersey.

Draft Island Plan review consultation

Reference copies of the draft Plan will also be available from Parish Halls and the St Helier Library.

Young people and the draft bridging Island Plan

The Island Plan Review team will be hosting a public event for young people in Jersey to learn about how the draft bridging Island Plan impacts their lives now and into the future.

Event details:

  • Where: St Helier Town Hall
  • When: 29 June 2021, 4pm to 7pm
The event is open to all young people and their parents and guardians. Refreshments will be provided. Contact the Island Plan Review team if you have any further questions.

Thematic webinars

Online briefings will focus on each of the themes of the Island Plan.

ThemeLink to webinar recording on YouTube
​Link to webinar 
Housing ​Housing webinar recording
​Housing webinar PowerPoint
​Economy webinar recording
Economy webinar PowerPoint
Historic environment ​Historic environment webinar recording
​Historic environment webinar PowerPoint
General development ​General development webinar recording
​General development webinar PowerPoint
Travel and transport​Travel and transport webinar recording
Travel and transport webinar PowerPoint​
Natural environment
​Natural environment webinar recording
​Natural environment webinar PowerPoint
Community infrastructure ​Community infrastructure webinar recording
Community infrastructure webinar PowerPoint
Minerals, waste and utilities
​Minerals, waste and utilities webinar recording
​Minerals, waste and utilities webinar PowerPoint
​Minimising waste and environmental risk
​Minimising waste and environmental risk webinar recording
Minimising waste and ​environmental risk PowerPoint
Managing emissions​
​Managing emissions webinar recording
Managing emissions PowerPoint​
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