ā€‹Information needed for a planning application
Thereā€™s a minimum level of information that must be submitted for each application so that everyone can understand your proposal.
Every application must include:
- the correct application form completed, signed and dated
- accurate location plans taken from the Jersey Digital Map at a scale of 1:2500 as a separate drawing
- photographs of the existing building and site
- site plan
- floor plans
- elevations
We'll publish everything submitted in connection with a planning application on the
Planning register.
When you have submitted your application, we'll review it to make sure it contains the minimum level of information required to understand the proposal. If your application doe not contain the information we need, we'll explain what needs to be provided.
We need either documents or drawings to accurately reflect the proposed work or development within 28 days of the request. If we do not receive the information within that timescale, we'll assume that you do not wish to pursue the matter and the application will become inactive. You may apply again at any time after that, but we will require the full submission of all the documents at that time.
If your application does contains the information we need, weā€™ll send you a fee breakdown with information on how to pay. Once your payment is received, weā€™ll register your application.
We aim to register your application within three working days from receiving the correct information and a full fee.
Descriptions and covering letters
You need to describe your proposal on every application form and reflect what is on the drawings. For example Single storey extension to north, new detached garage and new access.
When we register your application, we may amend your description to reflect a standardised wording to make it easier for everyone to understand. We'll let you know if we change your description.
Covering letters are very helpful to explain the details or background to the proposal and are strongly encouraged. On bigger or unusual schemes they are valuable, to show compliance with the Island Plan and the Supplementary Planning Guidance, or on some occasions to justify a proposal which is not compliant with these policies.
Covering letters will be published to the planning register online with the proposal information. We do not include any personal information and we may blank out parts of the letter for publication.
Drainage requirements
Your proposed development must follow technical drainage requirements. The following document provides developers the information and details needed for:
- disposal of foul sewage to the public foul sewerage network
- disposal of surface water to the public surface water sewerage network, watercourses, or the foreshore
- flood resilience
Liquid waste drainage requirements for developments
Find more information on
connecting to main drains.
Validation Checklist
For larger proposals, weā€™ve developed a checklist which includes all the requirements set out in the
Bridging Island Plan 2022 to 2025. The checklist will help you to make sure your application has everything required to be registered as complete.
Some Bridging Island Plan requirements will be triggered based on the proposal size or location. This information will be required for the application to be registered as complete. These requirements are detailed in the Validation Checklist.