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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Tax information for businesses established outside Jersey

Tax and duties

Double taxation agreements

Jersey has both full and partial double taxation agreements with various countries. There is a comprehensive list under double taxation agreements.

Double taxation agreements

Rates of tax

​Tax type​Rate
​Company tax​0% standard rate
​10% for regulated financial service companies
20% for Jersey utility and property income companies​
​Goods and Services Tax (GST)​5%
​Personal Tax​20%

Jersey is within the European Economic Area so import duty is only due on some direct imports from third countries. Excise duty applies to alcohol and tobacco products.

The tax year

The financial and tax year in Jersey is the calendar year, which is common across Europe.

Business income tax

Although the general rate of corporate tax is 0%, it is still important to know where business profits will be taxed. As a general rule, if the business does not set up a permanent branch or office in Jersey it is unlikely to become liable for company tax. Check with Revenue Jersey for guidance if in doubt. If not within the scope of Jersey taxation, any business profit is likely to be taxable in the home country.

Personal income tax

If your business is bringing employees to Jersey, you should contact Revenue Jersey to determine the Jersey tax position even if they are paid from outside Jersey.

You need to inform the tax office of the employees’ arrival, and provide the following information:

  • name of business
  • number of employees
  • name of employees
  • where the employee will be paid from (Jersey payroll or from outside Jersey)
  • whether employees' local duties are being performed for the Jersey or non-Jersey employer
  • the employees expected duration of stay in Jersey
  • what (if any) accommodation is being provided
  • if the employee is paying tax anywhere else

Paying personal income tax in Jersey

If an employee is performing duties in Jersey they need to register for tax. They will also need to register for social security.

How to register for income tax

How to get a social security registration card

Employers duty to deduct Jersey tax - income tax instalment system (ITIS)

Any company, individual, sole trader, partnership, trust or charity who has:

  • employees who are taxable in Jersey
  • Directors who are taxable in Jersey

must create an employer record with the Taxes Office.

Create a tax employer record

Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Jersey’s Goods and Services Tax (GST) is not based on EU VAT but is somewhat simpler. The rules on place of supply and reverse charge are the same, so in many cases it will not be necessary to register for GST.

The tax has fewer exempt and zero-rated supplies than EU VAT, but many features will be familiar. 

GST registration for businesses in Jersey

Businesses making supplies in Jersey exceeding ÂŁ300,000 in any 12 months, or expecting to, must notify liability to register for GST.

Businesses coming to Jersey to supply services, (including construction or installed goods), do not need to register for GST if their customer is registered. The customer can account for GST on the value of the supply as a reverse charge. If, however, the supplier sets up a branch or fixed establishment, this does not apply.

GST registration for overseas retailers

Any overseas retailer, or online market, who sells goods to non-business consumers in Jersey and those goods are despatched from an overseas location to Jersey, must register for GST in Jersey if their turnover from such sales exceeds, or is likely to exceed, ÂŁ300,000 per annum. Such persons may opt to register for Jersey GST even if they do not reach the statutory threshold but registration is mandatory for those who do. 

Overseas retailers will include sellers who supply goods in response to orders taken on their website, a third party website or through catalogue or similar sales.

Overseas retailers and GST guidance notes

GST returns

GST returns are normally quarterly, with any payment, by the end of the following month.

Completing your GST return

Bringing goods or equipment into Jersey

GST is due on imported goods, accounted for in one of three ways:

  • where the importer is registered for GST and is an approved trader with Jersey Customs, simply enter the value in box five of the GST return
  • approved trader only, payable to Jersey Customs within 30 days
  • in all other cases payable within three days of entry

There is relief for temporary imports, likely to cover equipment.

Applying for approved trader status is simple and allows import declarations to be made on line.  Nearly all entries to GST registered approved traders are cleared pre-arrival to avoid delays at the harbour or airport.

In many cases materials can be consigned to the customer (with their agreement), using its GST number and approved trader facility. For a longer contract it may be worth registering voluntarily and becoming an approved trader, but GST does then become chargeable to the customer.

GST incurred in Jersey

Businesses that do not make sales in GST in Jersey, but incur GST when, for example, sending staff to a trade exhibition or conference, can request a refund of this GST.  From early 2010 a refund scheme was introduced, similar to that operating within the EU under the 13th Directive.

Leaving Jersey

Where the business has registered for GST and is no longer required or entitled to be registered, you should notify Revenue Jersey within 30 days. The registration will then be cancelled, but any late GST on costs can be refunded on application.​

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