Converting foreign currency to pound sterling
All foreign income, deductions and foreign tax paid must be converted to pound sterling before including it in your return.
You can use the table below for some common currencies to assist you.
If your currency is not listed you can also find currency conversion rates on HMRC currency exchange average rates.
Make sure you keep a record of the exchange rates you have used.
Average exchange rates for the calendar year
Divide your currency by the rate below to calculate the pound sterling amount.
Euro | 1.1246
| 1.1592
| 1.173
| 1.149
| 1.1809
Abu Dhabi dirham
| 4.689
| 5.059
| 4.544
| 4.568
| 4.6936
Australian dollar | 1.8611
| 1.8267
| 1.78
| 1.873
| 1.9373
Canadian dollar | 1.7201
| 1.7253
| 1.608
| 1.679
| 1.7512
Danish krone
| 8.3867
| 8.6215
| 8.727
| 8.568
| 8.8109
Hong Kong dollar | 9.9602
| 10.6981
| 9.686
| 9.737
| 9.9690
Japanese yen | 137.103
| 150.054
| 161.792
| 174.845
| 193.421
New Zealand dollar | 1.9741
| 1.9438
| 1.9459
| 2.0267
| 2.1132
Norwegian krone
| 12.0609
| 11.81
| 11.853
| 13.138
| 13.7446
Polish zloty
| 4.9969
| 5.2865
| 5.495
| 5.218
| 5.08479
Singapore dollar
| 1.7697
| 1.8479
| 1.7040
| 1.6702
| 1.7075
South African rand | 21.0889
| 20.205
| 20.18
| 22.962
| 23.4106
Swedish krona
| 11.8011
| 11.7425
| 12.466
| 13.197
| 13.5147
Swiss franc | 1.2043
| 1.2517
| 1.1796
| 1.117
| 1.1251
United States dollar | 1.2841
| 1.3775
| 1.237
| 1.243
| 1.2779