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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Currency exchange rates

​Converting foreign curren​cy to pound sterling​​​

All foreign income, deductions and foreign tax paid must be converted to pound sterling before including it​ in your return. 

You can use the table below for some ​common currencies to assist you.​

​If your currency is not listed you can also find currency conversion rates on HMRC currency exchange average rates.

Make sure you keep a record of the exchange rates you have used. ​

Average exchange rates for the calendar year

​​​Divide your currency by the rate below to calculate the pound sterling amount. 

​Currency units per £1
​Abu Dhabi dirham
Australian dollar​​1.8611
Canadian dollar​​1.7201
Danish krone​
Hong Kong dollar​​9.9602
Japanese yen​​137.103
New Zealand dollar​​1.9741
Norwegian krone
Polish zloty​
​Singapore dollar
South African rand​​21.0889
Swedish krona
​Swiss franc​1.2043
United States dollar​​1.2841


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