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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Coastal repairs and maintenance

​​​​​​​​Ownership of coastal defences and features 

Infrastructure and Environment own and maintain most of the Island’s coastal defences and features and they are responsible for repairs and maintanance. These include:

  • 724m of breakwaters
  • 992m of causeways
  • 7,929m of promenades
  • 2,485m of roack armour defences
  • 28,052m of sea walls
  • 2,941m of slipways​

Some coastal assets are owned and managed privately, usually by Ports of Jersey including the marinas in St Helier and other smaller harbours around the island, such as Bonne Nuit Harbour. 

There are other small-scale defences around the isl​and, which are privately owned and relate to specific properties. We are not responsible for maintaining these privately built assets. 

Coastal inspections

We routinely inspect coastal defences and features and maintain, repair and strengthen them throughout the year.

Drone surveys, sea wall inspections and coastal asset inspections are carried out annually or as required by our Surveying Team and qualified Engineers. 

We post details of our drone surveys on our Infrastructure and Environment Facebook account​. We display signs on the beach during t​he surveys. We do not collect or retain any personal information (this means information about an individual who is or can reasonably be identified). 

The time taken for the public to report damage about coastal assets is highly valued given their familiarity with certain areas of the coastlines.

Storm events can cause spontaneous damage to coastal assets, so it is essential particularly for health and safety that after major storm even​ts coastal areas are inspected.

We follow up on any reports of issu​es from the public and carry out additional inspections following major storm events.  

We prioritise work into an annual programme according to risk and around a suitable tides and weather. â€‹â€‹

Works planned throughout 2025:

  • ​St Ouen’s Bay - concrete aprons repair / reconstruct
  • Petit Port - rock armour 
  • Sands - rock armour
  • Le Bourg - piling and concrete toe
  • Slipway tidal flood barriers - various modifications
  • Pointing - various areas
  • Concrete repairs – various areas
  • Causeway repairs – various areas
  • Elizabeth Castle - breakwater repairs

How to report an issue with coastal defences

Find out how to tell us about problems with sea walls, slipways and promenades​.​​

Report an issue with coastal defences​​

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