About the project
Havre des Pas covers the coast from La Collette to La Grande Charriere Slipway.
It's currently the highest priority area for coastal defence upgrades on the Island.
It has a range of coastal defences that are in good condition, but it's currently at risk from waves overtopping the sea walls and by early 2040's still water levels will become a greater risk to the area.
350 properties are currently at risk from flooding from a 1 in 200-year flood, with this increasing to around 1,000 properties by 2120 due to sea level rise.
We plan to provide protection to this area by constructing new sea defences along the coastline.
Project dates and plans
2020 to 2040
We will develop and improve coastal defences to provide long term protection from waves coming over the sea wall and rising still water levels. This will improve defences to a 1 in 200 year standard of protection.
In some areas sea defences could extend into the sea. This decision will be based on the findings of engineering and environmental assessments and subject to public consultation.
2040 to 2120
We will maintain the existing coastal defences.
The current timeline for this area is:
- engineering design: 2023 to 2028
- construction: 2028 to 2033
Information for residents and users of Havre des Pas
We held stakeholder engagement workshops in Summer 2024. Following the concerns raised during these workshops, solutions were considered such as:
We'll minimise disruption as much as possible for local residents, businesses and beach users, especially during the summer months.
We plan to create gardens and green space which will act as a buffer between seafront properties and the promenade.
Privacy for residents will be improved with beach users moving further away from boundary garden walls of seafront properties and a private residential garden area for existing seafront properties.
Loss of sea views
Residents are concerned that they may lose their sea views and while this is noted as a concern, property protection is imperative.
Feedback from our workshops showed that most people, including property owners and residents of seafront properties, supported the prioritisation of property protection over maintaining a sea view.
The height of the sea wall required is not yet known and will be decided by the coastal flood model.
The bathing pool
The maintenance, management and regeneration of the bathing pool is not within the scope of this project. We will, however, ensure that the setting and visual aspects of the bathing pool and facilities, are protected.
Access to the bathing pool from the boardwalk will be maintained.
For more information about our workshops, see Havre des Pas Coastal Flood Alleviation Scheme stakeholder workshop report.
Environmental impact
Feedback from stakeholder workshops in Sumer 2024 showed that the impact on environment was the top concern.
Havre des Pas sits within the southeast coast Ramsar site and includes the inland ecological SSI La Rue des Prés and over 30 listed buildings.
This scheme is taking the following steps to
minimise environmental impact:
- relevant studies, including Environmental Impact Assessments, a full Construction Environmental Management Plan and required testing
- practical measures to reduce the impact on environment
- working closely with the internal Government of Jersey Directorate for the Environment and external bodies, for advice and to get support and acceptance for the Scheme
- engaging with the Jersey Ramsar Advisory Group (JRAG) with respect to the Ramsar Site, in order to get support and acceptance for the Scheme
- design considerations for example, Scheme designs will consider migration routes for the European Eel
- information boards to educate islanders and visitors about the environment related features in the area
Visual plans
Visual plans of the Scheme will be available from Spring 2025. We'll publish them here.
Initial funding for the project has been secured through the production of a Strategic Outline Business Case. Further business cases will be developed throughout the project.