​​​​​​​​Survey on Blue Badges and disabled parking​​
We're currently reviewing the Blue Badge scheme and the disabled parking offered in St Helier.
Complete the survey to give your views and help us make improvements. You must be a Blue Badge holder.
You have until the Monday 31 March​​ 2025 to complete the survey.
Complete the Blue Badges and disabled parking survey
If you have difficulties accessing the online survey, you can collect a copy from:
- any parish halls
Sand Street Car Park:
Shopmobility office on the lower ground floor​​
- ​Parking Administration Office
You can also find a copy of the survey below.​
Survey for Blue Badges and disabled parking
EYECAN have offered their assi​stance for any of their members who may need support completing the survey.​​
Letter to Blue Badge holders from the Minister for Infrastructure​​​
Applying for a Blue Badge
A Blue Badge helps you park closer to your destination if you're disabled.
You can get a Blue Badge to park in disabled parking spaces if:
- you can’t walk or find walking very difficult and need to rest every 100 metres. This must be from a permanent or substantial disability
- you’re visually impaired. You must be registered with EYECAN
Badges cost ÂŁ15 and are valid for up to 3 years.
Your doctor has to complete part of the form to confirm your disability and you need to provide 2 passport size photos.
Apply for or renew a disabled Blue Badge on Parish of St Helier website​
​To change your details or replace a damaged, lost or stolen badge contact the Parish of St Helier.
Working in St Helier
If you work in St Helier and need disabled parking, you can get a permit to allow you to stay longer in a car park close to your workplace.
Locations include:
- Charles Street​
- Minden Place
- Sand Street
- Snow Hill
For more details contact the Parking Administration Office at Sand Street.
Misuses of badges or disabled parking
​The badge is issued to you and you can use it in any vehicle. You don’t have to drive but you must always be present in the vehicle when the badge is used.
It’s a criminal offence to let someone use your badge if you’re not in the vehicle with them. Your badge can be automatically cancelled and you can be fined.
You must not:
- use your badge after its expiry date
- park on yellow lines
- let anyone else use your badge if you’re not with them. This includes if someone runs errands for you and you stay home, or they drop you off and then park in a disabled parking space
Reporting misuses
You can report someone using a Blue Badge or disabled parking spaces incorrectly:
Include as much information as you can, such as:
- location
- date and time
- registration number
- Blue B​​adge number​
Do not send photos.
How to ​pay for parking and display your badge
You can park for free at:
- marked on-street disabled spaces
- disabled or regular spaces in a car park
You must display a parking disc clock to show your time of arrival.
You can use:
- a disabled blue parking disc
- the standard yellow
parking disc
You receive a blue disc​ with your disabled badge.
If you don’t have a parking disc you can use paycards but you cannot use PayByPhone.
Parking at Sand Street is different from other locations. Find more information on
disabled parking at Sand Street.​
Displaying your badge
You must display your badge:
- on top of your vehicle’s dashboard
- with the front of the badge facing forward. This is the side showing the wheelchair symbol
The badge’s details must be clearly visible from the outside of the windscreen.
You can get a parking fine if you don’t display your badge correctly.
If a parking officer asks you to confirm your identity, you must show your photo on the back of the badge.
On-street parking locations
You can park in a standard space if you can’t find an on-street disabled parking space. You must display 1 paycard and your Blue Badge. You’ll be able to park for up to 2 hours in any 20 minutes or 1 hour zones. You nee​d to pay as normal if you're using a 4 hours space.
You cannot park on the same road within 1 hour of leaving a parking space.
You can park a minibus using a Blue Badge in the disabled parking space on New Street South (near King Street junction).
There is space for up to 3 minibuses, depending on their size.
There is no time limit for minibuses using this parking.​
20 minutes parking
There are no 20 minutes disabled spaces.
If you need to park, you can use standard spaces. Display 1 paycard and your Blue Badge. You’ll be able to stay up to 2 hours.
Find a list of
20 minutes spaces.
1 hour parking
You can park for 1 hour at the following locations.
Grosvenor Street | 1 | Side | 1.4 metre wide |
Halkett Place North | 4 | Side | 2.5 metre wide |
Halkett Place West | 2 | Side | 2.8 metre wide |
Lewis Street | 1 | Side | 1.4 metre wide |
Oxford Road | 6 | Side | 1.6 metre wide |
Patriotic Street | 2 | Side | 1.4 metre wide |
Roseville Street | 1 | Side | 1.8 metre wide |
Saville Street | 1 | Side | 2.5 metre wide |
The Parade East | 2 | Side | 1.8 metre wide
Up to 2 hours parking
You can park up to 2 hours at the following locations.
​​Beresford Street East
| ​2
| ​Side
| ​To be confirmed
​Commercial Buildings North
| ​1
| ​Side
| ​​To be confirmed
Great Union Street
| 2 | Side​
| 1.6 metre wide |
​Halkett Place South
| ​2
| ​Side
| ​To be confirmed
Hue Street
| 1 | Side | 1.4 metre wide |
La Motte Street | 2 | Side | 1.4 metre wide |
Richmond Road | 1 | Side | 1.7 metre wide |
Robin Place
| 1 | Side and ramp | 1.7 metre wide |
​The Parade outside the hospital
| ​3
| ​Side
| ​3.4 metre wide
West Park Avenue | 1 | Side | 1.3 metre wide
Up to 4 hours parking
You can park up to 4 hours at the following locations.
Albert Street | 2 | Side | 1.6 metre wide |
Apsley Road | 1 | Side and ramp | 1.3 metre wide |
Burrard Street | 2 | Side | 1.8 metre wide |
Cattle Street | 2 | Side | 1.1 metre wide |
Church Street | 3 | Side | 1 metre wide |
Clarence Road | 2 | Side | 1.4 metre wide |
Clearview Street
| 1 | Side | 1.3 metre wide |
​Commercial Buildings South
| ​1
| ​Side and ramp
| ​To be confirmed​
Don Street ​ | 1 | Side | 1.5 metre wide ​ |
1 | Side and ramp |
Durmaresq Street | 4 | Side | 1.6 metre wide |
Gloucester Street ​ | 2 | Side and ramp | 1.7 metre wide ​ |
2 | Side |
Great Union Road | 1 | Side | 1.8 metre wide |
Green Street ​ | 1 | Side | 2.5 metre wide |
1 | Side and ramp | ​ |
Halkett Place East | 2 | Side | 1.7 metre wide |
Halkett Place near States building
| 2 | Side | 1.7 metre wide |
Hilary Street | 2 | Side | 1.6 metre wide
Mount Bingham | 1 | Side | 1.9 metre wide
​​New Street
| 3 | Side | 1.6 metre wide
1 | Side and ramp |
1 | Side and ramp | 1.3 metre wide
1 | Side |
The Parade | 2 | Side | 1.3 metre hatched area at side of spaces
The Parade (East - Residents Parking Zone) | 2
| Side | 1 metre wide |
Peter Street | 3 | Side | 1.3 metre wide |
Phillips Street | 3 | Side | 1.5 metre wide |
Pomona Road | 1 | Side and ramp | 1.5 metre wide |
Roussel Street | 1 | Ramp | 1.6 metre wide |
Seaton Place
| 1 | Side | 2.5 metre wide |
1 | Side and ramp | 1.4 metre wide |
St Aubin's Road | 2 | Side | 2.5 metre wide |
Val Plaisant
| 2 | Side | 2.8 metre wide |
1 | Side and ramp | 1.7 metre wide |
Vauxhall Street | 2 | Side | 1.7 metre wide |
Victoria Street | 1 | Side | 1.6 metre wide |
​Vine Street, only Saturday and Sunday
| 1 | Side and ramp | 1.4 metre wide |
6 | Side | 1.4 metre wide |
1 | Side and ramp | 1.4 metre wide |
Waterloo Street ​ | 4 | Side | 1.9 metre wide |
1 | Side and ramp | 1.6 metre wide |
Weighbridge Place | 2 | Side and ramp | 1.6 metre wide |
West Hill | 2 | Side | 1.3 metre wide
Short stay (shopper) car parks
You can park for free for up to 3 hours at the following location using your badge and a parking disc.
Charles Street | 4
| Side and ramp | Walkway on 1 side |
La Fregate | 4 | Side and ramp | 1.2 metre hatched area on one side |
Minden Place​ ​ | 4
| Side | 1.2 metre hatched area on one side |
3 | None | No wheelchair access to vehicle doors |
Snow Hill | 0 | None | No specific disabled parking spaces
Long stay (all day) car parks
You can park for free for up to 12 hours in every 24 hours using your badge and​ a parking disc.
If you park longer than 12 hours, you must pay. You’ll need to display a season ticket or paycards for the whole duration of your stay.
First Tower | 4 | Side | Wider bay |
Green Street | 8 | Side
| Wider bay |
​​​Les Jardins ​​ ​
| 3
| Side and ramp | Crosshatch
| ​Ramp
| ​Wider bay
| ​Ramp
| ​Wider spaces
| ​Side and ramp
| ​2 wider bays
Midvale Road
| 2 | Ramp | Sufficient room for ramp |
Patriotic Street
| 6 (main car park) 4 (hospital parking)​
| Side​
3 with side, 1 with side and ramp | 1 metre hatched area at side of spaces |
People's Park | 3 | Side and ramp | Sufficient room for ramp, room at one side for chair access |
Pier Road | 3 | Ramp | Sufficient room for ramp |
Route Du Fort | 2 | Ramp | Sufficient room for ramp
Sand Street car park
Parking at Sand Street is different from other locations.
You can stay up to 9 hours and you have to pay after 3 hours.
Find more information on
disabled parking at Sand Street.
For all spaces there is wheelchair driver access to the side.​​
​​Sand Street ​ ​ | 7
| 1.2 metre hatched area on one side at Level 4 |
6 | Wider bays with hatched area on side at Level 2 |
13 | Wider bays with hatched area on side in the basement
Using your badge abroad or visiting Jersey​
​You can use your Jersey Blue Badge in the UK or EU.
​Rules for disabled parking can be different in other countries. Contact their authorities to find out about their requirements.
The Blue Badge scheme: rights and responsibilities in England on GOV.UK
Using a Blue Badge in Europe on GOV.UK
Badges from other countries in Jersey
You can use your UK or any EU badge in Jersey.
If you park at Sand Street car park, you need to bring your badge to the Car Park office by the main entrance. Find more information on
disabled parking at Sand Street.
You can't park on yellow lines in Jersey.
You might be able to use badges issued somewhere else.
Contact us for more information.​​