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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Reporting road issues

Potholes and pavement damage

Road surfaces need constant maintenance because they are damaged by traffic and weather.

To help the Government and parishes you can report potholes or damages using the Love Jersey website or app.

Love Jersey is quick and easy and it'll send your report to the right team.

Report a problem with Love Jersey

If you cannot use Love Jersey, you can still phone or email us or the relevant parish.

Parishes are responsible for:

  • most country lanes
  • local access roads

If you're unsure who's responsible for the the road or pavement, contact us.

Find the contact details for the parishes on ComitĂ© des ConnĂ©tables.

​Faulty lights, signs, markings, and crossings

Do not use Love Jersey to report:

  • faulty traffic lights. These are usually repaired within 4 working hours
  • damaged markings on the road
  • damaged pedestrian or pelican crossings

Call us directly to report these on +44 (0) 1534 445509.

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