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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Planning an event on the road or public place

Tell us about your event

You need to receive permission from the relevant highway authority to hold an event on a road or open public place. This can be the Government or a parish. Find out who owns the road on the road information map.

If the road is owned by the Government email the road works and events team or call +44 (0) 1534 445533. 

You can find parishes contact information on Comité des Connétables.

Once you contact us, we'll let you know if you need to:

  • apply for a road event licence
  • complete an event plan
  • have a risk assessment or stakeholder assessment checklist

We can also advise on any traffic changes your event may need and safety arrangements to put in place.

You should also check if you need to apply for a public entertainment permit. These are granted by the Bailiff. Find more information on permission to hold a public event (public entertainment licensing).

Fees for a road event licence

There are currently no fees to hold your event on the road. However, you must have the correct insurance in place to receive an event licence.

You may also need to pay for costs incurred if your event needs support from the Police or the highway authority and use of their safety equipment.

Event licence terms and conditions

Once an event is approved and the licence is issued, the licence holder must comply with the following terms and conditions.

Event licence standard terms and conditions

Apply for a road event licence

You can apply for a road event licence using the following online form:

Apply for a road or public space event licence

When you should apply for a licence

You should allow plenty of time for us to process your application. The below are the recommended minimum notice periods and are approximate.

Type of road Notice period
Parish by-road4 weeks
Quiet main road (C route)6 weeks
Busy main road (B route)3 months
Critical main road (A route)6 months
Other open public places (including beaches)4 weeks

What is considered an event

An event on the road can be a competition, road race, fĂȘte, parade, concert, other entertainment or anything similar.

You need to tell us if your event is held:

  • on a public road. This includes if you place material over a road such as an arch, stall or stage
  • in the vicinity of a public road and the road needs to be close or restricted, access needs to be modified or it changes the flow or direction of traffic
  • in an open public place, for example, beaches, parks, promenades or cycle paths

We don't need to know about all events held in open public places. Only tell us if your event affects the use or enjoyment of that place by:

  • severely limiting or preventing public access
  • substantially changing its normal use. For example, because of noise, distraction or the number of people present is more than it would usually be
  • needing vehicle access or parking which would not be normally allowed

You do not need to tell us if you hold a group event in a public open space such as a group picnic, barbeque or non-commercial functions.

Major events on the road

Major events need consultation, notification and planning. We recommend that you notify us early or contact us to discuss your requirements.

You may need to provide a Traffic Management Plan and Major Event Stakeholder Assessment Form or keep a contact log.

The Traffic Management Plan should form part of your event plan and detail, for example:

  • road closures and diversion routes
  • parking suspensions and restrictions
  • access routes for residents
  • pedestrian access locations
  • public parking provisions
  • bus stop and taxi rank changes
  • marshal locations
  • temporary signage, including cones and barriers

You need to notify the public in advance of any significant traffic changes in accordance with the Parish's requirements and pay for any associated costs.

Email the road works and events team for further information or contact the relevant parish.

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