Find out about the improvements to Broad Street between Lloyds Bank to the Post Office
Find out how we're making roads safer around schools, including the Bagatelle project and Trinity School trial
Find out about the improvements to King Street and New Cutt Street
Find out about the road works on La Grande Route de la Cote in St Clement
Find out about the surface treament in St Ouen on La Route de l’Etacq, Chemin de la Brecquette and Le Hurel and Rue des Pres
Find out about the resurfacing works on La Route de Veulle
Find out about the resurfacing works in St John and St Lawrence on La Rue de la Mare Ballam and La Grande Route de Saint-Laurent
See the main road closures and delays
An interactive map showing roadworks and other traffic disruption
Find out about the pedestrian crossing installation at Maufant Village
Where and when to expect major highway maintenance for the next 5 years
Find out about the road closure at Rouge Bouillon and the works being carried out
Find out about the current School Street projects to create a safer environment for children to travel to and from school
Find out more information about the St Johns and Parade road trial scheme
Find out about the resurfacing works in St John’s Village
Find out about the drainage works on Springfield Road and La Petit Rue du Val Plaisant