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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Family Nursing and Home Care

​​​About Family Nursing and Home Care

Family Nursing and Home Care is a charitable organisation.

We provide an Island-wide, comprehensive range of high quality community nursing and home care services. These services are accessible, appropriate and sensitive to the needs of the community from birth to end of life.

Different members of the team may visit you, depending on the level of community care you need. 

Services include:

  • district nurses
  • health visitors
  • other support staff

Family Nursing and Home Care is funded by grants from the States of Jersey, membership subscriptions, donations and legacies.

​District nurses

District nurses will visit people in their own homes, assessing their health needs, carrying out nursing treatment, advising on care and giving support to patients, carers and relatives. They hold dressing clinics at various venues in the Island on designated days of the week.

Home Care Support Team

Our Home Care Support Team is here to help you maintain your health, wellbeing and independence at home. Our dedicated and professional team of Community Nurses, Health and Home Care Assistants and their Locality Coordinators have been trained to provide high quality care to Islanders who need home care support.

We can provide help, advice and support for a number of health issues to increase independence at home, including assistance with medication and personal care. Our Community Nurses can help you to access support from other charitable, voluntary and statutory agencies in the Island.

We are able to provide an integrated nursing and home care service that supports seamless care for the individual in their home.

​Health visitors

Health visitors provide help and support to expectant and new parents, children under 5, and adults under 50, offering advice and information on health topics and other services available to families.

They hold post natal support groups, child health clinics, parentcraft classes (in conjunction with midwives) and baby massage classes.

Nursery nurses working under the direction of health visitors also provide additional support to families. Health visitors also have safe guarding responsibilities and work closely with other agencies such as Children's Services.

Paediatric nurses

Paediatric nurses work with children and their families in their own homes, providing advice and assistance with nursing care and assessment of medical and nursing equipment. These nurses liaise closely with health visitors and hospital staff. The team includes a respite care worker who can provide one to one support or support at the 'Tiddlers Group'.

School nurses

School nurses are responsible for vision and hearing tests for school children. Following written consent from parents, school nurses also administer immunisations and vaccinations to school children.

They are available to discuss matters relating to the health of the child, such as bed wetting or behavioural issues,​ with parents, teachers and pupils. ​​​​​​

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