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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Mind Jersey

About Mind Jerseyā€‹

Mind Jersey is an independent local charity that provides support to people living with mental illness. Our vision is of a society that promotes and protects good mental health for all, and that treats people with experience of mental health problems fairly, positively and with respect.

How we can help

Mind Jersey provides information, support, and practical help to anyone with mental health problems. We can:

  • provide information on mental health conditions ranging from how to deal with stress to severe mental illnesses such as Schizophrenia
  • support families, carers, and friends of those who are dealing with the challenges of a mental health condition. We can help you understand your loved oneā€™s condition and how best to support them
  • offer practical advice about day to day living with mental illness and offer a residential service for up to seven people experiencing acute mental health illness
  • offer a peer support service to help those in the Jersey community experiencing mental distress
  • offer training, whether you are an individual wishing to increase your knowledge about mental health or an organisation looking for training for your staff, there will be a course for you
  • provide support and information for health professionals, partner with other organisations or help signpost you to a variety of additional local and national support services

For more information go to the Mind Jersey website.

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