The NSPCC Jersey Service Centre is an Island-wide service that provides support to local families.
They deliver cutting edge services to:
They believe in a society where every child is happy, fulfilled and free from fear.
They are located at The Gower Centre in Stopford Road, St Helier.
NSPCC Jersey website
NSPCC use a wide range of approaches that give children and young people an opportunity to explain how they feel. This includes one to one sessions which encourage:
- talking
- play
- creative activities
Letting The Future In (LTFI)
LTFI is a therapeutic service for children and young people aged 4 to 17, who have made a disclosure of sexual abuse.
Many children and young people feel confused and upset by what has happened to them. A wide range of approaches are used during the one to one sessions to give
opportunities to explain how they are feeling, including:
- talking
- play and creative activities
The service is designed to work with children, young people and the safe parent and or carer.
Speak Out. Stay Safe.
Speak out. Stay safe. is a safeguarding programme available to all primary schools in Jersey for children aged 5 to 11. The programme:
- is child friendly
- is interactive for KS1 and KS2 and includes video assemblies
- supports classroom resources
The aim of Speak out. Stay safe. is to help children:
- understand abuse in all its forms and recognise the signs of abuse
- understand that abuse is never a child's fault, and they have the right to be safe
- know how to get help, and the sources of help available to them, including our Childline service
Versions of the programme are also available in British Signed Language (BSL) and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
If you feel that Speak out. Stay safe. would benefit the children in your school or you would like to discuss the programme further
email Phillipa Crozier, Schools Coordinator for Jersey or call +44 (0) 7562 204897.
Speak out. Stay safe on the NSPCC website
For more information, contact the NSPCC in Jersey.
+ 44 (0) 1534 760800 or Freephone 0800 090 2270.
Email NSPCC Jersey Service Centre
NSPCC Jersey on Facebook