2024 Infrastructure and Environment closed consultationsTransfer of a Waste Management Licence, European Metal Recycling LtdThe Minister for the Environment has received an application to transfer a waste management licenceClosed: 25 December, 2024Type:OtherDepartment:Infrastructure and EnvironmentWater Discharge Permit, Dandara Jersey Ann Street BreweryThe Minister for the Environment has received an application for a Discharge PermitClosed: 14 November, 2024Type:OtherDepartment:Infrastructure and EnvironmentElection advertising on roadsWe want to introduce rules on election advertising on roads to make sure election material are put up and removed safelyClosed: 10 October, 2024Type:OtherDepartment:Infrastructure and EnvironmentMillennium Town Park playground equipmentWe want you to give your suggestions for improving Millennium Town ParkClosed: 07 July, 2024Type:OtherDepartment:Infrastructure and EnvironmentWaste Application, Variation to a Waste Management Licence for Granite Products LtdThe Minister for the Environment has received an application to vary a waste management licence Closed: 20 June, 2024Type:OtherDepartment:Infrastructure and EnvironmentImpact of a ban on single use vapesTake part in the ban on single use vape surveyClosed: 09 May, 2024Type:OtherDepartment:Infrastructure and EnvironmentLong beach playground equipmentGive your ideas on how we should replace the play equipment at Long Beach playgroundClosed: 05 May, 2024Type:OtherDepartment:Infrastructure and EnvironmentWater Pollution Discharge Permit Application for Halo Building Contractors LtdThe Minister for the Environment has received an application for a Discharge PermitClosed: 10 April, 2024Type:OtherDepartment:Infrastructure and Environment Body Content