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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Disability Team for Government of Jersey

​​About the Disability Team

The Disability Team support the delivery of the 5 main priorities of the Disability and Inclusion strategy:

  • support to communicate and access information​
  • greater access to the Island
  • good health and wellbeing
  • access to education, employment, and enriching activities
  • equal rights and experience equality

The strategy aims to improve the wellbeing of Islanders with disabilities and challenge inequalities faced by disabled people.

Watch the guide to the Discrimination Law in BSL on YouTube

Learning disability and autism cluster group charter

Disability and Inclusion annual report

The Disability and Inclusion team's annual report for 2022 focuses on progress of the Disability and Inclusion Strategy and the Government's 'Embrace our difference' campaign.

Disability and Inclusion Strategy end of year report 2022

Deaf Awareness Week 

This year’s celebration isn’t just about raising awareness; it’s about igniting a movement fuelled by love and grounded in trust.​

Find out what's happening for Deaf Awareness Week 2024​​

BSL and Deaf awareness and communication courses

If you want to learn more about the barriers deaf people often face when accessing information and services and how you can help, you can sign up for our upcoming courses in:

  • BSL tuition
  • Deaf Awareness and Communication training

For more information and to sign up visit the Highlands College website​

Together, through education and advocacy, we can break down barriers and create an island where access to information and services is a fundamental human right for everyone.

The Royal Association for Deaf People (RAD)

The goal of RAD is to review the support and services provided to d/Deaf people in Jersey. To identify gaps in provisions and to make recommendations to the Government.

Three key initiatives are being taken forward to be completed by 30 June 2023. These include:

  • the recruitment of a community link worker who will provide support, advice and information for d/Deaf Islanders
  • an improved Video Relay Service to provide online interpretation for British sign language users. Allowing them to communicate more effectively when accessing Government services
  • improving engagement with the 4 independent organisations who represent d/Deaf Islanders. To ensure collective understanding of the needs of the community, and the priorities for change

2022 RAD Report

How you can be more inclusive

There are many ways in which you can be more inclusive:

Learn how to make your digital content available to everyone:

Contact the Disability Team members

Dario Gentili, Disability Project Manager

Ant Lewis, Disability Inclusion Officer

Steph de la Cour, Disability Inclusion Officer

Catia Cassiano, Community Engagement Officer

Jane Simpson, Community Transport Officer

Contact the team on +44 (0) 1534 447231 or email the team on

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