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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Built environment and housing public policy

​​​About the built environment and housing public policy

This policy area aims to improve the quality of our neighbourhoods,  homes, huosing supply, accessibility, affordability and sustainability of the way that we travel.

The ambition is that:

  • St Helier is an attractive town to live in, work in and visit 
  • Islanders live in secure, quality homes that they can afford 
  • Jersey benefits from a safe, sustainable transport system

Key issues:

  • Quality of our neighbourhoods
  • The character of Jersey’s built environment, or the ’sense of place’
  • Quality of our homes
  • Ensuring housing supply meets demand
  • Housing accessibility and affordability
  • Providing housing for temporary migrant workers and keyworkers 
  • Increasing rental standards and protection for tenants and landlords
  • Mechanisms to bring truly vacant homes back into use and reducing opportunities for off-Island ownership 
  • Agreement of a parking plan

Strategies and policies

​Strategy and policy

Ministerial plan (page 39)

Ministerial Plans set out a minister’s priorities in terms of projects, programmes and legislation. 
​Housing and Communities: Delivery Plan
​Delivery Plans set out the activities that government departments will undertake to deliver on the minister’s priorities.

Sustainable Transport Policy

Outlines the vision for transport in Jersey over the next 10 years.

Bridging Island Plan

Provides the framework for planning-related decision-making and sets out how the community's needs might be met over the plan period.

Heritage Strategy

Aims to inspire understanding, valuing, care and enjoyment of Jersey's heritage, contributing to the Island's unique identity and international relationships. Supports a beautiful environment, vibrant healthy community, and sustainable economy, creating a better place to live for everyone, now and in the future.

Housing Strategy

Aims to support Islanders to live in secure, high-quality homes they can afford, promoting a thriving economy and good health/wellbeing.

Relevant reports

Island Identity Project

Island Plan

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