About the Children and Young People public policy
The first 5 years of a child's life have a lasting impact on who they become. It's crucial to give them a happy and healthy start, surrounded by positive and nurturing influences.
Good health is vital for children's well-being. It forms the foundation for a high-quality life. Healthy habits, easy access to healthcare, and broader factors like good housing, active transportation, and access to parks and natural spaces all contribute significantly to promoting a healthy childhood.
Education has a significant impact on adult life. Research shows that individuals who leave education early struggle to find employment, often ending up in low-paid and unstable jobs or experiencing long periods of unemployment. Successfully supporting the transition from education to the world of work is also key to other policy areas such as the economy and population.
Not all children in Jersey enjoy the same opportunities and life chances due to a variety of social and economic circumstances. It remains important Ministerial policy ambitions to create inclusive public services that promote, protect and safeguard children's wellbeing.
Key to informing and shaping ideas for progress in children's policy are the experiences of children and young people themselves. It's important that children are able to be heard, valued and involved in the decisions that affect their everyday lives. By engaging and listening to the diversity of children's experiences of growing up in Jersey will Government be able to understand their achievements and challenges.
The UK's ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) was extended to Jersey at the Island's request in 2014. As a State Party to the UNCRC, the Island is subject to the monitoring and reporting processes of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and has an obligation to continue to pursue measures to further realise children's rights and implement the Convention.
The lead ministers for this area are Richard Vibert, for Children and Families, and Robert Ward, for Education and Lifelong Learning.​
Children, Young People, Education and Skills department page
Strategies and policies
Relevant reports
Independent Jersey Care Inquiry (2017)
Care Inquiry 2 Year Review (2019)
Jersey Safeguarding Partnership Board: Annual Reports
Jersey Safeguarding Partnership Board: Serious Case Review Reports
Office of the Children's Commissioner: Annual Reports
Care Commission: Care Reports
Relevant laws
Jersey Education (Jersey) Law (1999)
Day Care of Children (Jersey) Law 2002
Children (Jersey) Law 2002
Regulation of Care (Jersey) Law (2014)
Criminal Justice (Young Offenders) (Jersey) Law 2014
Children and Young People Commissioner (Jersey) Law 2019
Children (Convention Rights) (Jersey) Law (2022) to be enacted
Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 2022) to be enacted
Historic strategies and policies
Children's Services Improvement Plan (2018)
Corporate Parenting Framework (2018)
Early Years Policy Development Board (2021)