About jobs and growth public policy
This policy area ensures that Islanders benefit from a strong economy and rewarding job opportunities.
Jersey depends on a sustainable and vibrant economy, underpinned by a skilled local workforce to serve it. Businesses in Jersey provide job opportunities and put money back into the local economy. It also creates wealth that sustains vital public services.
Jersey’s economic position is strong, but if the Island is to continue to enjoy one of the highest living standards in Europe, it must adapt. Global challenges include changes to regulation, the climate crisis and the technology revolution. Local challenges include an aging population, skills shortage and increasing cost of living.
Key issues:
- balancing the needs of the economy, environment and community
- managing future population growth
- migration controls
- labour market
- evidence and data on future jobs and skills
- supporting sectors such as finance, technology, tourism, aviation, retail, agriculture, fisheries and construction
- high value residency
The lead ministers for jobs and growth are Lydon Farnham (Chief Minister), Kirsten Morel (Minister for Sustainable Economic Development) and Carolyn Labey (Minister for International Development)​.
External relations
Strategies and policies
Relevant laws
Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012
Control of Housing and Work (Exemptions) (Jersey) Order 2013
Control of Housing and Work (Residential and Employment Status) (Jersey) Regulations 2013
Historic strategies and policies
Tourism in Jersey report (2012)