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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Physiotherapy service for children and young people

About the Children's Physiotherapy Service

The Children’s Physiotherapy Team are qualified (Chartered) Physiotherapists. We support children and young people of all abilities, up to the age of 19. Sometimes young people aged 16 or above are referred to an adult service.  

We provide assessment, advice, and management of: â€‹

  • broken bones, sprained muscles, or ligaments 
  • developmental needs such as rolling, sitting, crawling, and walking 
  • chest problems such as cystic fibrosis 
  • joint problems such as arthritis 
  • neurological conditions such as cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy 

We also work alongside other healthcare professionals to provide specialist help where needed. 

How to access the service

You can access Children’s Physiotherapy Service via your:  

  • GP 
  • Health Visitor 
  • School Nurse 
  • Allied Health Professional 

Appointments are held at the Child Development and Therapy Centre. We may need to see your child at an alternative location based on their Physiotherapy needs. 
​When we receive a referral, we add it to our waiting list. We prioritise cases depending on urgency. Our wait times can vary from week to week, contact us if you have any queries.  

You will receive a letter to let you know when we have received your referral.   

What to expect at your Child Physiotherapy appointment

Your child will see a Chartered Physiotherapist who will assess their difficulties and give advice, or a treatment programme. This may involve some home exercises.  

We ask your child to dress appropriately for the examination, with access to area of the body that is being assessed. Shorts or a vest top are ideal.  

Your child may be asked to undress during the appointment depending on which area of the body is being assessed.   

Appointments usually last between 45 minutes and 1 hour.   

Your child may need follow up appointments depending on the outcome of the initial assessment. We will re-book further sessions for you. Your Physiotherapist will let you know how many sessions and how often they will need to attend. â€‹

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