​​​​​What to do in a mental health crisis
If you're in a mental health crisis, call us on +44 (0) 1534 445290, this number is manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.​​
About Day Services
Day Services provide daily support​​​​ if you are co​ping with acute mental health problems.
We are a multi-disciplinary team who offer a wide range of group and individual care. We focus on your recovery and help you manage your own mental health to reduce periods of crisis.
We work with you to produce a personal recovery plan that meets your individual needs and goals.
What we do
Our staff support you with your recovery plan by helping you to engage in a wide range of activities focusing on health and wellbeing, social inclusion, and therapy.
In the morning we provide:
- current affairs discussion groups
- art and craft
- t'ai chi
- seated exercise
- Couch to 5k
- walking
- football
- yoga
In the afternoons we provide psycho-education groups and community activities including:
- walking groups
- swimming
- pétanque ​
- snooker
- badminton
- community trips
We also offer a free daily meal, and teas and coffees. ​​​
How to access the service
Access to the service is by referral only.
The service is available to adults of working age (25 and over​) in Jersey who are experiencing an acute (intense) crisis because of mental health difficulty.
You can access the service if you are under the care of a community mental health team or if you are an inpatient who is nearing discharge from Orchard House or Cedar Ward where your care co-ordinator or ward staff can refer you into the service.
Once your referral is accepted you can drop in as and when you need or as documented in your recovery plan.​
Our location
We are located at the Diner in James Street in St Helier. The Diner is easily accessible and is​ on many major bus routes. It is a safe, friendly, non-clinical environment, where you will be cared for and respected. ​​​